Screw It

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The next day, Sasuke made a firm decision to confront his fears and set aside his pride. With a determined heart, he mustered all his courage as he approached Iruka-sensei, hoping for guidance and assistance.

"Iruka, can I ask you something?" Sasuke's voice trembled with nervousness, surprising Iruka and piquing his curiosity.

"Um, sure? What is it?" Iruka replied, intrigued by Sasuke's uncharacteristically shy demeanor.

Sasuke took a deep breath, his eyes filled with determination. "You see, I don't know where Naruto lives, but I really need to see him. I need to tell him the truth."

Iruka's eyebrow raised slightly, expressing a hint of skepticism. "I may not know the full story, but it seems you've already caused Naruto enough pain. I'm sorry, but I can't help you with that."

Sasuke's heart sank, panic and desperation welling up within him. He hurriedly explained himself, sharing the same story he had told Itachi, hoping to calm Iruka's reservations. In his desperation, Sasuke even abandoned his Uchiha pride and bowed on the floor, begging for mercy.

Iruka sweatdropped at Sasuke's display, feeling a mix of exasperation and understanding. "Sasuke..."

Sasuke continued to apologize profusely, making Iruka increasingly annoyed as he tried to interject. "SASUKE!"

Startled, Sasuke immediately stopped, his muscles trembling with nervousness.

Iruka sighed in relief, grateful that Sasuke had finally listened. "Finally. What I was going to say... I accept your apology, now that I know the whole story."

Sasuke awkwardly got off the floor, dusting off the dirt from his gray t-shirt and dark blue jeans. "Oh, thank you, Iruka..."

Iruka smiled at his student, a mix of kindness and understanding in his eyes. "Meet me here at the end of the school day, and I will take you to Naruto."

Sasuke thanked Iruka eagerly, his voice filled with gratitude. "Thank you, seriously. I mean it."

However, Iruka's expression turned serious as he brought up an important point. "I have come to understand that Naruto loves you, as mentioned in the Friday letter. So, what are your feelings for him?"

Sasuke's smile grew wider, filled with genuine affection. "I actually love Naruto, even before the letters. But I pretended to hate him out of fear of rejection."

Iruka sighed, a touch of sadness in his voice. "I see. However, promise me this, Sasuke. Promise me that you won't hurt Naruto anymore. I know he will accept you. Despite any past resentment, once he learns the truth, he will open his heart. That's just how Naruto is. So, don't take advantage of his kindness. Many people have done that to him."

Sasuke's smile faltered as he realized the gravity of Naruto's past pain. "T-they have?"

Iruka smiled sadly, confirming Sasuke's realization. As the lunch bell rang, signaling the end of their conversation.

"Iruka, thank you for placing your trust in me. I promise to take care of him, love him, protect him, and spoil him like a princess even if he ended up still hating me. I make sure he changes his mind about me."

Iruka chuckled softly, "I am glad to hear that. Thank you, go on before you miss your class."

Sasuke bowed, "I will see you later."


Sasuke's heart raced with anticipation as the final bell rang, marking the end of his last class. He quickly gathered his belongings from his locker, stuffing books and notebooks into his backpack. His mind was focused on the upcoming meeting with Naruto, but he couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that the school day was finally over.

Letters - SasuNaru - RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now