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Dear Karasu

Well, then you are my new best friend, dattebayo! My Little Kitsune!? You don't even know who I am! Did you talk to Sasuke or something? He has been acting weird around me lately. He's a lot nicer to me. Say, do you like Sasuke? I mean, you did bring him up. No, I don't like him, because I barely know the guy. I am bisexual. Which is why I don't know if I should tell you something, I'll decide later. What's your favorite color? Mine's Orange.

Your best friend Kitsune


Dear Kitsune

Ha, I do know who you are, my cute Kitsune. Sasuke is a mystery, but I'm sure there's a reason for it. My favorite color is blue. I can't wait to see you in the 6th hour~ I hope you will tell me whatever you want to say, but no pressure. Bye Naruto

Your Karasu


EHHH!? CUTE?! How?! No fair! I want to know who you are! I doubt he likes me. I hate that bastard. I mean, after all, we're rivals. Hey, at least give me a hint in the 6th hour or something! Well, I, um, really like you.

Demanding Naruto

Week 4 - Monday

Dear Naru~

I had a conversation with Kakashi today, and it seems he was considering ending our project early, deeming it a success. However, I managed to convince him to let it continue. I enjoy writing to you, and I have to admit, I'm afraid that once you discover my true identity, you'll push me away. But even after the project ends, Kakashi has assured me that he'll help me in some way. I can't contain my excitement for the 6th hour when I'll finally get to see your beautiful face. I must confess, Naru~, I love you.

Goodnight, Naru~, until our letters intertwine once more.

With love, Karasu

Sasuke leaned back in his chair at his desk, his arms interlaced behind his head as he pondered the implications of his words. A small frown crossed his face as he thought about Naruto's potential reaction upon discovering the truth. Despite the uncertainty, a warmth spread through Sasuke's chest, a mix of amusement and anticipation. He couldn't help but imagine various scenarios of Naruto's possible reactions and the revelation of their pen pal connection.

But along with the excitement, there was also a lingering hint of pain nestled in the pit of Sasuke's stomach. The mere thought of Naruto rejecting him, of their newfound connection being shattered, sent a wave of unease through his heart. It was a vulnerable feeling, one he had kept hidden beneath his cool exterior for far too long. The fear of rejection had always been a barrier for Sasuke, preventing him from fully opening up to others.

Yet, as he reflected on their letters and the genuine connection they had formed, Sasuke couldn't deny the genuine affection he felt for Naruto. The way Naruto's words touched his heart, the way they sparked a newfound light within him, made him yearn for a deeper connection, one that transcended the boundaries of their anonymous letters.

Sasuke sighed softly, a mixture of emotions swirling within him. He knew that the time would come when he would have to reveal his true identity to Naruto. The thought of baring his vulnerable self to Naruto, of showing him the depths of his feelings, both thrilled and frightened Sasuke. But deep down, he believed that their connection was strong enough to withstand any revelation.

With a renewed determination, Sasuke set aside his worries and focused on the present moment. He had poured his heart into the letter, and now all he could do was wait for Naruto's response. The uncertainty and anticipation danced in his mind, intertwining with the hope that Naruto would embrace their connection with open arms.

Letters - SasuNaru - RevisedWhere stories live. Discover now