Chapter Seven

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"Ready?" Fang asked as he put the loops of the makeshift wing around Daisy's torso. She nodded. The spider gently tightened the loops, then checked to see if the fake wing lined up with the real one. "It's not hurting you, is it?"

Daisy shook her head. "No, just a little snug, that's all."

Fang smiled. "Good. Now let's see if you can move it. Try flapping your wings, Daisy."

The butterfly did a little flutter. The makeshift wing mirrored the real wing's movements perfectly. "Perfect!" Fang exclaimed, pleased with how it turned out. "Now the real challenge is getting you back into the air again. Keep fluttering your wings every now and then, so that you can strengthen them up for flying practice."

Daisy beamed. "Ok, Fang. Thank you!"

The spider did a little bow. "It was nothing," he replied. "But we probably should get going before we miss your friend's party."

The two of them went outside, where Sage and Dot were waiting. "Whoa, cool!" the grasshopper said, staring at Daisy's new wing. "Is that what Fang was working on this whole time?"

"Told you," Fang replied. "Didn't really feel like eating butterflies. Kind of wanted to help this one out."

Dot, still a tad bit unconvinced, took the lead. "Off to Roach City we go, I guess. And for heaven's sake, do keep close to all of us, Daisy. At least until we get to Morales' house." Sage cast a slightly worried glance at Fang before joining Dot's side in front of him and Daisy. They all began a long and rather tiresome walk.

The sun certainly didn't help matters, either. It beat down mercilessly on the insects, so every now and then they had to pause for a drink, which slightly hindered their progress. As they continued their journey, the path became more beaten and rocky. Before long they started seeing junk and debris accumulate around them. Eventually, there was no longer a path. Just a dirt trail leading up to a pair of large garbage cans.

"This is Roach City?" Daisy asked.

"Yeah, this is the place all right," Sage replied. "Morales lives in a yellow canteen bottle inside."

Dot looked over at him. "Is this a private party, or did he invite any 'friends' we should keep an eye out for?"

The grasshopper suddenly seemed very uncomfortable. "Uh, well...I don't know for sure. If you're worried for Daisy, just keep her close and your spear handy."

"And what about me?" Fang spoke up. He was staring intently up at the dumpsters that loomed over them. Sage said, "Just...wait outside until I can give you the signal to come in. And try not to eat anyone while you're at it."

"No promises," Fang laughed. "And what's the signal, exactly?"

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