Cupid... (Part 3)

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The next morning was a bit awkward.. the car ride was silent, and my mom was still giving me worried glances, but something just felt off. She told me that there is nothing wrong with me, but I just feel.. gross.
Once again the car comes to a stop, I get out, walk to my locker, and then to class. Gosh sometimes I wish there was a skip button for life. A couple moments later the bell starts to ring and the teacher starts to explain todays assignment. Once she starts talking I usually drift off, but this time.. I didn't. Why does everything feel off!?

"Griffin, I grabbed are papers. Let's go."
Billy said, I didn't even realize the teacher stopped talking. "Oh.. yeah." I said as I stood up. As we were walking I snuck a glance at him. He was wearing the same jacket he did yesterday.. but I thought he wore it every other day??
We sat down in the same spot we did last time, and started working right away. Great, drawing rocks. I look at the worksheet for a bit before drawing over my sketches.

"No sleep huh?" Billy ask

"Yeah.." I respond with a scoff, still drawing.

"I always see you drifting off, then you drop your pencil and it startles you awake." He says giggling. I just look at him with a shocked face.

He sees me..?

"You're not as invisible as you think you are, Griffin Stagg." He says with the same smirk he gave me yesterday. I feel my face heat up so I quickly look down and continue drawing.
What just happened..

Me and Billy finish the project at the end of the period, and turn it in.

"You're good at drawing Griffin." He says "thanks, you to." I respond. The bell rings, perfect timing. I grab my stuff, head out of the classroom, and go to the next.


"Hey sweetheart, how was school?" My mom ask as I get into the car. "Good." I respond with a small smile on my face. It's surprising how I'm not lying this time, ..I think my mom noticed too.

Billy's doorstep

Fold.. band.. basket.. repeat. I've been doing this for a couple weeks now, but I still don't get why I have to band all of them almost everyday.

"Alright.. done." I say with a sigh. "Let's go Cupid.." I get up and look around "Cupid?" I call for him, I swear he was laying right there. Shit.. I guess people won't get their papers on time. "CUPID!" I yell while walking towards the road. I see him down the street and I call him again. "CUPID, COME HERE!"
Suddenly he turns around and starts running down another street.

"OH SHIT" I yell as I start running after him. "CUPID, COME BACK HERE!" Halfway down the road I realized I should've just taken my bike.. I get to the road he turned on, and I see him waiting for me down the street. "CUPID, COME HERE!! I yell. He just sits there with his tongue out. "Damn it.." I mutter to myself as I start running once again.

Griffin's living room

I was just watching TV when I heard my cat scratching at the window. "Whatcha doing Kitty?" I ask while walking towards him. "Mrroww.." he replies, still scratching at the window. I think he's trying to show me something, I look out the window and I see a dog sitting outside. Is that Billy's dog?
I quickly go outside and the dog runs to me.

"Hey buddy! What are you doing here?" I ask while petting his head. "CUPID!!" I hear someone yell.. I'm pretty sure it's Billy. "HE'S OVER HERE!" I yell back.
After a few moments I see Billy pass the trees separating me and my neighbors house.

"Hey Griffin." Billy says, out of breath.
"Hi." I respond. "Sorry about this he's never ran away before." He says while approaching me.
"No, no it's ok" I reply, while kneeling down and petting the dog. "What's his name?" I ask. "His name is Cupid." Billy says with a smile on his face. "Awww he's so cute." The dog suddenly licks my face, and I giggle. I hear footsteps behind me so I turn around, and I see my cat, I left the door open...

"Hey buddy what are you doing out here?" I ask. He meows in response as I pet him. "Who's this little guy?" Billy asks kneeling down as well. "His name is Lily, we thought he was a girl when we got him." I reply. Lily rubs himself on Billy's leg, and starts purring.
"I think he likes you." I say. "I think Cupid likes you to." He says with a warm smile.
Billy and I lay next to each other in the grass, and are pets do the same.

"Hey Griffin..?" Billy said. "Yeah?" I responded. "What I said about you not being as invisible as you think.. I meant it.. and I know how you feel." He said. I looked at him but stayed silent.
"You just feel like you're doing the same thing everyday and you feel like.. a mistake, but I realized.. if you don't do anything to break the loop, it just keeps repeating." He continued. "So that's why you were my partner.." I said. "Yep, some people asked to be mine, but I said no.."

"Will you be my friend Griffin..?"

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