Chapter 2

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****EDDIE'S POV***

This vampire thing felt fucking terrible. My head was constantly hurting, my throat felt like it was on fire, and I swear I can hear people around me almost all the time. The only time my head didn't hurt was when I was asleep. I wanted nothing more than to run into traffic and end it all, but something told me it was gonna take a lot more than that to end this. It had been a few days at this point and I could feel myself getting weaker by the day. I just don't want to feed on people... I have no idea what I am capable of and I hate that, because I have no clue on how to navigate through it. I don't even have a hint. It hurts to see my friends move on, it hurts to see Y/N with Harrington. I don't expect them to be constantly sad over me. I just didn't think they'd act as if I never existed in the first place. Was I a burden? I have no idea how or where Henderson is. I know I can talk to him...Maybe he's at home... I can try to swing by... How scared would he be? I thought hard for a moment before deciding to give it a try. I looked at my watch, 9PM, definitely safe to go out now. I did learn the hard way that sunlight is a big no no, but I have accelerated healing! So I guess that's cool. I grabbed my leather jacket and made my way out of the warehouse. If anyone can help me in this moment, it's Dustin, but it'd also be nice to talk to someone besides myself for once. The movies don't show how lonely shit is for a vampire. I noticed myself in Dustin's neighborhood and kept my head down. I could hear the voices again, where the hell are they coming from? I shook my head, trying to stop the noises before a migraine gets a chance to take over. I hopped the back fence to Dustin's house and made my way up the tree in his backyard and up to his window. Thankfully his bedroom light was on. This is the moment of truth. I took a deep breath before gently knocking on the window.

"GOODNIGHT MOM!" Dustin yelled.

I laughed a bit, but at the same time I felt comfort. A comfort I welcomed with open arms. I tapped again and suddenly the curtain opened.

I was face to face with Dustin with nothing but a window separating us. The kid did a double take and opened up his mouth to scream. I put my finger to my lips. He nodded.

"Let me in?" I asked.

Dustin opened the window and I climbed into the bedroom that was covered in various posters. Just as I caught my balance I was wrapped in a hug. I was caught off guard with the hug... If I were human I would've struggled to breathe. I could feel him trembling and hesitated for a fraction of a second before hugging him back. His breathing was a bit harsh but he was okay. His heart rate was through the roof.

"What... What happened?" He asked as he pulled away to look up at me.

"It's a long story..." I admitted, "Dustin... There is no real easy wash for me to say it but... I'm not human, not anymore."

"What do you mean-"

I bared my fangs to him and saw him step back, scared. He also looked somewhat unphased and curious?

"I won't hurt you." I whispered, "I need your help, Dustin." I said softly, "I'll leave if you-"

"No. Just... Wow. How... What happened?" He asked out of pure curiosity.

"The bats. After I left you I ran to fight them off. The last thing I remember was you next to me. Who lived? What happened?" I asked.

"We all thought you were dead, Eddie... Your uncle left... No one knows where he went. Steve, Robin, Y/N, and Nancy came back. We wanted to bring you but there was a huge earthquake. We had to get out. When we left the Upside Down, the earthquake was here too. Hawkins was wrecked. We still don't know everyone that died. But, you... And those... Why do you need my help?"

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