Chapter 10

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****Y/N'S POV****

I woke up from what had to be the best sleep of my life. A cheesy grin spread across my face as I remembered what exactly had happened to contribute to the most blissful sleep I had ever known. I could feel Eddie's grip ease up on me ever so slightly so that I could move around and leave bed for... Human things like going to the bathroom... Eating... I tiptoed to my bag and grabbed a fresh set of clothes and crept to the bathroom to take a nice hot bath. I began to learn what I could do to keep myself occupied while Eddie slept. I'd bathe, watch TV, listen to my Walkman, nap, eat the snacks Eddie would get for me, and read the take out menus in each motel room so I knew what to ask Eddie for when I was ready for dinner. I'd have to tell him when I was hungry because he doesn't have a normal dinner time anymore. I sat in the hot water listening to Every Breath You Take by The Police as I began to think... What if Eddie fed off of me? Maybe he wouldn't have to kill people if I took that place... I'm not sure what blood type I am exactly but he said that... No one tastes disgusting... He said he has tried my blood before and it was the best he has had... And that my scent is otherworldly maybe that's why he says I am hardwired to his senses... I guess in his own vampire way that's his way of saying I will never get away from him... But I don't want to... Even if I wanted to, where would I go? We are almost to California anyways... I wonder what will happen there... It's kind of exciting...

There is no harm in trying to see if Eddie will feed off of me... I really don't think it'll take much to convince him... I need a compelling argument in case he says no... He says he'd never hurt me but, I'd be offering myself if anything. Plus, I checked his little cooler, he is out of blood bags and we don't know how far until we come across the next blood bank. Blood banks aren't like gas stations, there isn't one on every corner. I don't think he'd turn me into a vampire, not like that anyways, I think it would take more than a bite... None of the people he has killed have turned otherwise Hawkins would have bigger problems... I grinned, I'm gonna do it. I'd rather him feed from me than leave a trail of dead bodies along our trip. He will get us arrested before we even make it to California. THAT'S IT. THAT IS MY ARGUMENT! He can't fight that. Nope. Especially because he is considered dead and suddenly he is alive? What happens if they bring him out in broad daylight? Poof. I switched cassettes to play Girls Just Wanna Have Fun by Cyndi Lauper as I got out of the tub and searched for stuff to help me prep. I'm gonna need to pull out the big guns for this and I have all day to prepare. I have limited resources but I'll make do with what I have on hand. I don't wanna risk sneaking out and foiling my whole plan. Eddie definitely would refuse if I did something stupid to try and please him. I know I'm safe where we are but he will go into a frenzy and worry about me. I noticed a bag in the corner that I used to keep in my room back home in Hawkins and walked to it. When did Eddie bring this? I opened it up to find nail polish. Score! I found one of the colors I stole from my mom, a deep red, it was literally named "Blood Moon" if that isn't a perfect shade of red... I painted my nails and toes while I watched more I Love Lucy on the crappy motel TV and sipped some Cherry Coke Eddie had delivered to the room last night. He thinks of everything... He knows I love Cherry Coke. I smiled as I blew on my nails in an attempt to dry them a bit faster. I froze when he stirred in his sleep and rolled over, burying his head under the pillows and stretching out. He wouldn't last if he had to sleep in a coffin like the vampires in the books and movies. He doesn't move much but he sleeps spread out over the whole bed. I smiled as he became still again and continued with my plan. Is it dumb? Yes. Is it helpful? Hopefully. I sat on the bathroom counter, my Walkman still next to me, playing You Give Love a Bad Name by Bon Jovi while I did my make up. I didn't have everything but I had the essentials, eyeliner, mascara, blush, and lip gloss. I can work with this. I already knew what I was gonna wear to try and make myself look "appetizing". A sheer black nighty that went to my mid thigh, plenty of space for him to have access to my neck, and I wouldn't have to change into pajamas afterwards. It's a win win if I really think about it. I've tried not to think too in depth lately because I don't wanna think of something that will worry Eddie. Last time he said my thinking was really loud. I'm not entirely sure what he means by that, but I can only do my best not to stir shit up enough as it is. I finished applying mascara to my lashes and batted my eyes in an attempt to see how I looked. The blush really brought everything together. I smiled as I looked at my hair, a bun would be perfect here, my hair would be out of the way and give him more room. I grabbed my brush and began to style my hair into a messy bun, something that looked like it took effort but didn't. I crept to my suitcase and grabbed the nighty I thinking of and smiled, I don't remember Eddie telling me where he got all this stuff for me but I know I didn't own this. I guess this falls under the less I know the better thing he always tells me. I shrugged and looked at the clock, 7:30PM, almost the time he usually wakes up. I really spent all day getting ready... Wow! I made a hasty retreat to the bathroom to change. I took off my bra and slid the gown on. Eddie had to have some kind of idea of what he wanted me to wear this for when he picked it out. I smiled as I looked at myself in the mirror and honestly... With the limited resources I had available to me... I pulled this off pretty damn good. I looked like I had this look planned for weeks. I stepped out into the bedroom and bit my lip, I didn't think this far in advance... What should I do? Where do I sit? Do I lay on the bed and put my hands on my chest like I'm in a coffin? Do I lay on my side and look seductive?

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