22. Liabilities

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"Well, well, well, fancy seeing you here, Rayne."

I stopped breathing.

Kade was in my house.
And Matteo was nowhere to be seen.

I forced air into my lungs and made my words work.

"How did you find me, and where is Matteo?" I said calmly, my face not betraying the anger and panic that I was feeling.

I balled my hands into fists behind my back.

"So impatient." He tutted, resting his hands behind his head in a lazy manner.

I gave him a look that said 'get to the point'.

"Your boy toy will be fine, if you do what I tell you." A malicious grin spread on his equally evil face.

Think, Braelynn, you need to buy enough time for Jane and Blake to notice that there was a murderer in your living room, on your couch.

"I will consider that, if you give us Liam and Paisley." I pretended to barter.

"I don't think you're in a position to make deals, miss Braelynn."

I dropped the neutral expression and gave him an openly hostile look.

"There's the murderous girl we know and love!"
He was gleeful that he got a reaction out of me.

"I'm not a murderer, you are." I shot back, inching my hand down to the dagger that I didn't even know was strapped to my back, hidden under my messy hair.

"Now, I must leave because there are two of your liabilities that have noticed that I'm on your couch." He stood as I gripped the hilt of the dagger.

"And one more thing, " He stalked over to me, stopping about a foot away. "Nice dress." He winked and turned away.
Big mistake, buddy.

As he started to walk away I whipped out the blade and lunged.

But it went right through him.
This whole time, he was a hologram.

I ran to open the sliding glass door and race to the backyard.

Without thinking I flung my dagger at the drone that was flying away.(think the drones from Spider-Man far from home)
It hit home and the drone fell from the sky, almost falling into the neighbors backyard, spiraling down onto the soft grass just as two wolves came running outside.

I cut into their link, a trick I had picked up while I was in Fort Bragg.(where I am as of right now, lol)

The bigger wolf, Blake, was midnight black with a silvery white tip on his tail and a few spots on his chest.

Jane's wolf was a light grayish color, with randomly placed black spots.

They both had glowing unnamable dark eyes, benefits of having alpha blood.

Regular wolves eyes glow red.

Why did we hear Kade?!
What the fuck happened?!
Why is there a drone?!
Where is Matteo?!

The last one was Jane, of course, ever the caring person.

What did Kade mean by liabilities?

I shook my thoughts away, frantically looking around.

"Go inside and change back, and get dressed again, he took Matteo." My panicked voice must've made them snap out of it but as Jane ran back inside to change, Blake trotted over but stopped a few feet away.

I slid down to the ground and put my head in my hands.
Matteo has been kidnapped, but who kidnapped him for Kade?
I can't smell any intruders.

My thoughts were interrupted by Blake poking my cheek with his cold wet nose.

I looked up, my cheeks tearstained.

On look at his eyes and I could tell that this wasn't Blake in control, it was his wolf.

I gave a weak smile "You're such a sweetheart, aren't you, Jude?" I hesitantly started running my hands through his silky soft black fur.

Jude sighed in content as he lay next to me, my hands still running through his fur.

"You should let Blake have control so he can change back, we have to start searching." I whispered.

Jude whined softly, making me smile slightly.
"I'm sorry, Jude, when we find a bit of time, I'll figure out how to let Willow out so you two can run?"
Jude eagerly hopped up, running inside quickly.

As he faded from view the panic set in, only slightly ebbing away when Willow soothed me.

'We'll find him, Bea, and we'll find Liam and Paisley too.' Willow assured me.

'But what if-' I started but Willow cut me off.

'Braelynn, what ifs are just that, what if's. If you keep worrying about what bad things could happen, you won't focus on a positive outcome.'

I sighed and wiped my cheeks, standing and speed walking into my bedroom.


😀I dunno what just happened 🤷🏻‍♀️

This was just a filler chapter😇


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