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A/n: nightwing is nighthawk in this fic cause Dick got the name from Clark, so when they never met, Dick didn't get the name so I just changed his name to nighthawk.


Barry move out of Hal's lap as soon as he heard Victor's mumble. He was practically zipped out of Hal's hold, but for a good reason.

Barry knows Nighthawk for a while now. A decade if you want to be specific, he has known him ever since Batman came to his house and yelled at him.

Funny story really.

The Bat is overly protective of the little bird, When Wally befriended and got close to the Robin, Batman immediately came to Barry to keep Wally away from his son.

The funny thing is Barry didn't even know that Batman had a son then. When The Bat came to his house in the middle of the night saying " GET YOUR FILTHY NEPHEW AWAY FROM MY SON!"

Barry was confused and terrified.

That day, he was introduced to Robin. Robin was a sunny, energetic, and cheerful child. A great contrast to the dark knight.

If Barry didn't know better he'd think that the kid was adopted. (He didn't know better)

The kid was wonderful. No wonder that Wally likes him. He and Robin are always together, causing mischief in many places, playing video games, and hanging out.

Wally and Robin are best friends no doubt about it.

Barry was also very happy at their friendship. Ever since the little bird came to Wally's life the kid have been more energetic than normal.

Barry thinks that Wally and Robin's friendship is stronger than Wally and Roy's friendship, even though Wally met Roy earlier than Robin. Which makes another reason why he likes the lttle bird more.


Cyborg has known Nighthawk for well over 5 years. He first known Robin when Kid flash told them about him.

The Teen Titans have two towers, the West and the East. The West is stationed at Jump City while The East tower is stationed at Steel City. The two towers and teams didn't like each other very much because of competition around which is the better team.

The East has Aqualad, Kid flash, Speedy, Bumblebee, and Mas ay Menos.

While Cyborg is in The West which has, Starfire, Raven, and Beast Boy.

Though he liked the people in the team there was something missing to make them the best, they are missing a 'Leader'. Don't get him wrong. he thinks that the other members have potential to be a leader.

But the all members have zero to no experience of battling with someone else with them, heck to even lead a team is close to impossible. Raven have been in her own following he father's command. Starfire can be a leader, after all she's a princess in another planet, but shes not experienced to lead people with different fighting styles. Beast boy's can be a leader because of animal instincts but to lead a team you need a brain to lead not instincts. Victor tried to lead but failed miserably, he didn't think what his team members limits are and pushed them all to a road to failure.

They needed someeone with experience.

That is when Robin came in. Robin was a natural born leader, with the brain and instinct to lead a team to victory.

Though he and the Titans Didn't get along first time around. They quickly warmed up to him.

Even though they teased, ignored, and disobeyed the Bird in the tower. when in a mission, Cyborg and the other titans were willing to trust their life to the Robin's plan.

They really trusted him.

Cyborg was thankful for Nighthawk's help. If it weren't for him he wouldn't be in this position right now or any of the titan's for that matter.


Cyborg looked at the note with wide eyes. He knew that hand writing. That was surely his previous teammate's handwriting. The 'N' in the note isn't helping it.

Cyborg muttered in his mouth shocked and a little amusement "Nighthawk...?"

There he felt something appear his side, staring.

He heard Barry say "you know nighthawk?" With furrowed eyes brows and an intense stare.

"Yes... he is an old friend of mine..." Victor said slightly confused at the attention he was given.

Barry looked at him with unreadable eyes. "Okay."


Barry practically zipped out of Hal's hold and to cyborg's side leaving Hal confused and a little angry.

Hal looked at the direction Barry ran at. He saw Barry in cyborgs side looking at him as if he was the only person in the room who mattered. Hal wasn't  jealous.

A/N: pfff- jealous Hal.

Anyways- this chapter is centered around Barry and Cyborg's feelings to Dick. (Ha-)

Maybe next chapter is centered around the people who knows about the other Batfam members.  Which is... not a lot. But still....

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