BELIEVE (Fantasy) (Fairies) (Witches)

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Sophie tried to forget about her nightmare & instead tried to focus on work the next day. She couldn't help but feel like an outsider all the time. Her imagination often flew beyond her leash of control.

While people her age spoke of  building a career , buying a house, getting married, having children (not necessarily in that order), all she wanted was to seek fulfilment. She tried all that was supposed to bring her this - she got married , she had a good career and she even bought a house, but she still found herself longing for more.

She tried to be a good daughter, a good wife , a good sister , a good friend and she had a lot of people who valued her company. Yet, in moments of dullness like now, she could not stop her imagination from going back to the realm of fantasy. She remembers, that she felt content when she lived that dream as a child. The fulfilment that she seeks now was generously given to her one night.

Out there, Sophie did not have to try hard for building relationships. In the fantasy realm she was born from the secret whirlwind romance between a fairy and a witch. She remembers her fairy dad telling this to her when she was old enough to understand. She doesn't remember how old was she when her dad told her this, the concept of age was different out there. However, she remember that she was still a child.

Her dad raised her alone but she had many fairy aunts for female influence. They all lived in houses closely knit together in a community of creatures who called themselves "the good side". They were all kind, happy creatures who went about their day doing jobs that they would assign themselves.

Few Gnomes would go about looking for treasures and few gnomes would guard them. Sometimes the treasure could be gold and sometimes just a rare medicinal plant or herb.

Then there would be different fairies doing different things. Some fairies would blow away bad dreams and worries  of humans, some would take care of the sick, some would build libraries of knowledge and some would take care of forests and animals. Sophie's dad was one of the fairies who collected knowledge for the library.

The centaurs would guard the realm and help in building houses. They liked to do all the heavy duty stuff. The Elves were crafty creatures and difficult to gain trust of. Some of them would often scurry around unseen while others would train for battles untold. They were beautiful, strong and true to their word.

In the evenings, elders in the community would gather around fireside to tell tales as old as the beginning of the world. Sophie loved listening to those tales and imagining herself as characters in them.

Sitting in front of her computer, Sophie wondered how did a 10 year old child dream in such detail. How did she live a whole life in one dream. She found herself drifting again, wanting to believe that it was not a dream. Wanting to believe that her therapist knew nothing, experienced nothing. She was given a reality check when her colleague called out her name:
"Sophie are you seeing this?"
"What?" Sophie asked her
"Check your computer"
Sophie looked at her computer and there on her entire screen was one big word written across
"It's on your screen too tight Sophie? It's so weird, some kind of virus I guess. All the computer screens in office have BELIVE written across it. We can't get any work done like this. Let's call the IT desk."

Sophie could not find the strength to response. She was shocked and her mouth was wide open. Was it a message for her???

Once Upon Another Reality (Fantasy) (Fairies) (Witches)Where stories live. Discover now