Leap of Faith (Fantasy) (Fairies) (Witches)

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BELIVE ? Sophie still could not wrap her head around what was happening. This sure was reality... right? This was not the fantasy realm. And yet scribbled across her computer screen was written "Believe". Her Co workers were seeing it too, it can not be a dream. Sophie pinches herself... ouch.. that hurt... surely, she is awake.
"What in the devil's name is this new virus." Sophie's colleague snickered.
"Let's go get a coffee while the IT desk fixes this. The whole office is annoyed." She said tugging at Sophie's arm to move.
"Umm... why don't you go ahead. I will be a minute , need to make a personal call." Sophie lied
"Okay.. as you wish. All of us are going to the Starbucks across the street. Meet us there when you are done.", with that her coworkers walked away.

Once alone, Sophie whispered softly
"I believe" but there was hesitation in her heart .. was she a lunatic? This could be a bug? No, that can't be.. how can a bug do this? Why will a bug like this ever be deployed.

"I believe" Sophie said a bit louder and with more determination. The words on her screen started fluttering. Was she doing this?
"I BELIEVE" Sophie said this out loudly, with no fear or hesitation. A few colleagues sitting a few desks away looked at her funnily. But she did not care, she wanted to see this through. She was not scared of being mocked.

" I BELIEVE" she said at the top of her lungs. Just then everything got dark and the lights went out. She could hear her coworkers moaning and complaining but their voices were getting feeble like they were coming from a far away place.

In the darkness she saw a glowing ball of yellow light floating at a distance.
"Ball of Fortune" she said out loud and started sprinting towards it. But the closer she got to it, the farther it flew away. She did not give up the chase. She ran with superhuman speed that she did not know she possessed. She kept chasing the ball for what seemed like eternity but only was a few seconds.
She could feel all the atoms in her body moving, rearranging, changing. She looked down at her hands and her feet and they looked different. She was still running and chasing the ball of fortune so she did not have the time to stop and inspect. Suddenly, she was blinded by a brilliant white light.

Her pupils hurt and she had to close her eyes, bend her body and stop. She put her forearm in front of her eyes as she caught up breath. She could feel the white light flowing through her and every inch of her body started feeling warmer. Like a new energy was washing over her and giving her strength like she had not felt in a long time.

"S..S..Sophie? Is it really you?" She heard a familiar voice calling out to her. She knew that voice.
"Banxi?" She murmured , slowly removing her arms  and opening her eyes. She took a second to adjust her sight. Was it really happening? She was in the fantasy realm again? She was about to pinch herself to be sure but before that she felt two tiny arms engulfing her in an embrace.

"Oh it's you! It's really you!! How much have we missed you. Oh Sophie! Praise Mother Nature, you are really here!" Banxi was crying tears of joy.
"Banxi!" Sophie did not even realise how much she had missed her little friend.
"Banxi, I am here. Can you pinch me so I know it's real?"
"What? I will do you one better. I will knock your head for leaving us." And with that he gave a light knock on her head. She sure felt it.
"I am not dreaming"
"Ofcourse you are not. What a ridiculous idea that is. Come let's go home, a lot has changed in the years that you were gone. You left as a little girl and you have come back a young woman. Can you carry me while you fly home. I have missed our rides together."
"What do you mean by flying?"
"Flap your wings and fly Sophie. What else do I mean? Have you really been gone so long that you have forgotten?" Come let me show you, walk with me to the clear stream of water and have good look at yourself."
Sophie did as told, but she couldn't believe what the reflection showed her. Instead of the reflection of a tired woman in her thirties who struggled to make it out of bed each day, there stood a beautiful, young fairy with magnificent wings and undeniable glow. She tried to move her wings and sure she was flying.
"Heyyyyyyyy...... don't fly away alone.... Carry me with you!" She heard Banxi shouting from below.
"Sorry Banxi, I don't know how to stop. Can you tell me."
" Oh Mother Nature, help me!" Banxi said clearly annoyed at his friend flying off without him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 02, 2022 ⏰

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Once Upon Another Reality (Fantasy) (Fairies) (Witches)Where stories live. Discover now