God, Christ, Holy Ghost Poem

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I was down for the count but not out,
my soul romed about,
leaving me in severe doubt,
as I tried to get up,

but a foot held me down,
like the darkness I had found,
with chains of steel I was bound,
I lost my breath in the struggle,

power shifted like the sand,
from hand to hand,
my soul looked for a place to land,
from my mouth I began to pray,

to the heavens above,
down came love
as a snow white dove,
dying on an old rugged cross,

for sins of yesterday,
his death was the price he pay,
so we could find that love is the way,
God gave us his son Jesus Christ,

and for that I am grateful,
for I am no longer shameful,
I shall forever be thankful,
for the father the son and holy Ghost.

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