Chapter 3

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The next three to four weeks go by without any notable encounters with Yoongi. In an ongoing attempt to eliminate any possibility for more office gossip regarding you and Yoongi, you essentially hide in your office most of the time. You no longer go to the cafeteria for lunch. Instead, you've been bringing lunch from home to eat while working in your office or skip it altogether. The only time you really leave your office is to leave work, or to go to the staff meeting.

You hope and pray that your absence will kill any rumors that maybe going around in the office about you and Yoongi. Because of that, you spend much more time focused on work and you are able to turn your assignments around in almost a record time. Your work and dedication doesn't go unnoticed by Steve. That afternoon, Steve calls you to meet with him. You make your way to his office and knock on his door. When you hear that familiar gruffy voice say, "Enter," you go in with a smile on your face. 

Steve says, "Hey Kiddo, I've been hearing a lot of good things about you and your work. So, I wanted to give you a chance to really prove yourself. I'm going to get you out of Joyce's non-fiction team and put you into a different one where you may have more chances to shine. How about it?"

You are absolutely thrilled to hear this coming from Steve and you say, "Wow, Capt. I'm not sure what to say! Thank you. I won't disappoint you." 

He laughs at you calling him Capt. and says, "You are going to be a part of the fiction team. That's where the money makers are. You have a good head for picking the winners so let's see what you can do when you have juicier material to work with."

Unable to mask your excitement, you say, "Thank you again! When should I start?"

Steve replies, "There is that enthusiasm. I knew I liked you from day one. You can report to Yoongi's team tomorrow morning."

You say, "Sorry. Report to who?"

Steve says, "Min Yoongi. His team is the one that handles all the celebrity writers and the up-and-coming ones. I think you are really going to be able to show us what you are made of on that team. So, don't squander this opportunity. Okay. Now, get back to work."

You tell Steve thank you one more time and head back to your office. You think. "This will be okay. I haven't seen or interacted with him for the past month and I'm sure Dolores would have moved onto some other office gossip by now."

To be honest, Yoongi hasn't stopped looking at you during staff meetings, but you just decided not to pay any mind to it. You have been keeping your head down and working. So, you feel thankful for the opportunity and plan to make the best of it. But today, you decide to leave a little early and call your brothers to tell them the good news. 

You FaceTime with Alec. When he picks up, you say, "Guess what, Alec? I kind of got a promotion! Well, my title is still the same, but I am getting transferred to a team that handles all of the big wig fiction writers and new talent. Isn't that exciting?"

Alec claps his hands and says, "Wow. Good job baby sister. I'm so proud of you. I never doubted you." 

"I'm happy. I'll be working with a new team of people so that's a bit anxiety provoking, but I'm sure I'll be fine."

"Of course, you will. They will all love you. Look at you. Why wouldn't they?"

You say with a big smile, "I know, right?"

The two of you chat a bit more and talk about how you two are doing. You notice that he is still in his suit. You ask, "Hey Alec, are you still working?"

"Yea....  I have a huge case that I'm a lead on and need to get a ton of stuff done."

"Well, you should have said something earlier, I wouldn't have kept you this long."

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