Chapter 12

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The next time you awake, it is Saturday afternoon. You think, "I can't believe I slept almost 24 hours. But at least I don't feel as tired. Hungry, on the other hand...." You decide to get up and eat some food, perhaps some toast, eggs and coffee. You make yourself a plate and bring it out to the living room and turn on the TV. You watch a few episodes of some show that you started couple of weeks ago on Netflix and watch without being too engaged. After breakfast, you clean your apartment, top to bottom and get your dirty laundry together and bring them down to the basement. 

You spend the rest of the weekend doing household chores that you have been neglecting because you've been spending so much time with Yoongi the last few months. By the time Sunday afternoon comes, your apartment is spic and span. Feeling good about how much you got done this weekend, you decide that you'll go out for an early dinner and a drink. So, you shower and get dressed. Nothing fancy. You figure you'll go to a local pub. You think, "There is nothing like a glass of cold beer and a burger after a hard day's work." You put your baseball cap on, a thick, but loose sweatshirt and jeans and head out the door. On your way out, you remember to grab your cell and see that Yoongi had texted you pretty much all-day Saturday into Sunday. You knew how frustrating and maddening it was to send a text and never get a response back, so you decide to reply. 

I'm sorry I didn't get back to you before.
I was a sleep most of Saturday and I've been doing chores all day today.

Hi Princess!
When can I speak with you?
I won't take up a lot of time. 
I just need to explain everything to you.

I'll let you know when I'm ready to hear it.
So, you don't have to text me so many times in a day.
I will talk to you later.

Can I call you?
I really just need to hear your voice.

I'm on my way out.
Maybe I'll call you later.

Where are you going?
Do you need some company?

I'm not doing anything special.
And no, I don't need company.

You put your phone in the front pocket of your sweat shirt. You think, "Couldn't give two shits about texting me before, and now he is fucking all over me." You walk the few blocks to O'Shaughnessy's and find a seat by the bar. The bartender comes to you, and you order some beer and food. You put your head in your hands, trying to stop all the thoughts from swirling around. You think, "I am sure he will not leave me alone if I don't agree to hear him out. What did he say before? Something about his mother asking him something? Ugh.... I don't even know anymore." 

The bartender brings out your beer and you watch whatever sports is playing on the closest TV screen. You see men in water tossing a ball around. You think, "What the hell am I watching? Is this water polo? That is obscure as hell." You look around the restaurant and see people coupled up or in groups and feel lonely. "I wish you had some company." Then you remember Yoongi offering himself. Then you tell yourself, "Anyone else but him." You drain your beer in three or four gulps and ask the bartender for a second. This time, you are staring into the beer glass, as if you'll find your answer to your problems in the bottom of it. Letting out a deep sigh, you sit up straighter and fix your cap. Then you hear a man's voice that says, "Are you okay there, Miss?"

You look up to see a stranger sitting one stool away from you. He seems to be alone as well. You answer, "I will be. Thank you." 

He asks, "That was a pretty big sigh. Do you want to talk about it to a stranger that has no stake in any of it?"

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