Ice cream [OLD VERS]

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[Fluff | Heavy Smut - Body Kisses/Hickeys, Blowjob, Fingering, Dom X Sub, Daddy X Puppy, Safeword, Check-Ins]

[Friends to Lovers]

[5200+ words]


Ben has been questioning his sexuality for quite some time now. Ben is apart of the football team and most of his friends are stereotypical straight guys, so he has no choice but to ask his only gay friend, his best friend, to help him figure things out.


I removed some of the cringey dialoge in this, I also edited some of the weird discriptions I wrote. Enjoy you horny homosexuals.


His hand slaps my arm away.

"Come on Mat, I won! Don't lie!" he whines in his dark voice.

I chuckle, my long, black strands swaying in my face. His blue football jersey is stained from all the times he's played in it. His blonde hair is ruffled by all the wind. My armpit length, raven hair has become too chaotic to put in a ponytail. I regret not doing it on the bus.

"Ohh, come on. It's just rock, paper, scissors, it's not anything serious," I chuckle. 

He scoffs, crossing his arms. He mumbles something about being competitive. He always makes me laugh.

"Okay, everyone!  I have the list of the people rooming on this paper! Every room can hold up to three people!" Mr. Farow lifts the paper in the air. "When I call out each group, one of you will come up to me, and grab their key. Each group gets one key, so don't lose it! When you get your key, you can go up to your room. If you need me, I'll be in room 346. Ms. Sither will be in room 482."

He starts calling out groups one by one. I wrap my arm around Ben's shoulder. 

"Hopefully we'll room. I don't want to get with like- Brad, or some shit. He's one of the most annoying guys on our team," Ben complains.

I chuckle.

"Gawd, stop being so obsessed with me!" I joke, tugging a strand of hair behind my ear.

He pushes my shoulder laughing with me. His laugh is deep yet it still holds a light feeling. It's like a shine of light on a rainy day.

"And finally, Ben Katlyen and Mathew Johnsson," Mr. Farow shouts.

Ben does a small little hurray jump. He's adorable. He walks over and grabs our key. Even tho he is naturally hard-faced he manages to be one of the sweetest people I know. We walk through the hotel doors and into the reception. A lot of our classmates and other people that go to our school are walking around. We make our way to the elevator.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!" He stops dead in his tracks."There's ice cream. Let's get some!"

I chuckle, ready to take my credit card out. Ben and Jerry's is my favorite. Probably because it's his favorite too. I like the brownie flavor the most. He likes anything with caramel. We grab one pint each. He takes the one with the caramel core. I take the classic brownie flavor. As I suspected, I pay for both of our ice creams.

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