Perfectly Mine [NEW VERS]

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| Sweet, Gentle |
| Praise, 
Hand Job |

[Friends to Lovers]

[3300+ words]


Lukas and Micheal are having a normal sleepover at one of their dorms. Well, if confessing your passionate, fervent attraction to the other is normal friend behavior, then definitely.


Hello people!

Hope you enjoy the first addition to the "Renovation Project" (read the last chapter for more info on that). I'm looking forward to writing more, stay tuned for updates!

Hope you enjoy.


I can't sit still; I never can when I'm expecting him. He's going to ring the doorbell any minute now, and I'm losing my shit. There's really no reason for me to be freaking out this much. I mean, he's just Lukas. Y'know, with his short blonde hair, stupidly big glasses, and baggy clothing. And his bright smile that he's not scared to show, and those stupid big hands of his. Nothing to be afraid of. Absolutely nothing.

The doorbell rings, and I jump in my seat, spilling Fanta on the floor.

"Fuck," I mutter, getting out of the bar stool and placing the can on the tiny kitchenette island.

I contemplate cleaning it but decide against it. Maybe if it were the exotic flavor, I'd care more. Too bad they were out at the store. I swear, I complain about everything to Lukas. I mean, I literally called him yesterday to babble on about how they dare not keep the best soda in stock. He's probably sick of my voice by now.

I unlock the door, my eyes meeting Lukas'. He was completely drenched from head to toe. I had to swerve my head to the nearest window to confirm that I had managed to tune out the weaving rain.

"Jesus Christ," I say before turning back to Lukas, baffled at my capability of ignoring what's close to sounding like gunshots.

He chuckles. "Hi to you too."

"Shit, right. Sorry, hey," I say, ignoring the shake in my voice. "Come in, come in, bet you're freezing."

I grab him by his bicep, drag him into my dorm, and definitely don't take in his definition while doing so. He puts down two plastic bags on the nearby kitchenette island. He shrugs his coat and shoes off as I look into the bags he placed: candy, snacks, and exotic Fanta. 

"You said you were out," he says casually as I find it hard to breathe.

"Thank you," I say, coughing down the redness on my neck.

He smiles in response, his cheeks pinching and dimples making an appearance. I have to look away to not make the sparkles in my eyes obvious.

"Is it cool if I shower?"

"Of course, no problem," I say with my head still infused in taking out everything he bought. "If you need to, you can borrow a hoodie or a pair of pants, they're in my dresser."

I must admit, I was really hoping he would say yes. I mean, I wanted it so bad that I prayed for it. I hoped he'd blush and accept the offer with glee, and then we'd sit on my bed, watching a marathon of movies with our bodies entangled. 

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