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When the Autumn term updates were sent out, Ana found out she had managed to fail Herbology for that term. She hadn't told anyone because she was simply too ashamed. The stress of what her parents would do when they found out had caused her to loose weight, her hair started coming out and her eye bags looked almost painful. Everyone could see something was up but no one knew what it was.

'Anastasia baby, come sit,' Edwards voice called to her from across the great hall. They were almost completely alone as most other students had gone to bed.

She shuddered at the memory of Ti saying the exact same thing to her. As the weeks passed she realised that Edward was becoming more and more like Tiberius. It chilled her to the core. Ana hated the similarities she saw because they reminded her just how much she missed Ti. Today was the day she reached her breaking point.

'We need to break up.' She blurted without thinking. For whatever reason, she didn't feel any regret only relief.

'What?' Edward looked at her rather stunned.

'I'm sorry It's just I cant- I can't do us anymore.' A singular tear fell down her cheek. No matter what she felt about finally breaking up with him she would miss Edward. How he smelt of broom polish and rain, how he always managed to make her feel safe even during her worst of panic attacks and how he simply made her happy, 'I've been thinking about it for a while and as much as I love you and I truly do I don't think it's right to lead you on.'

Edward didn't say anything.

Ana turned on her heels and ran. She didn't want to tell her friends about it. It was pathetic but it made her feel small and weak.

Within minutes, she found herself in the second-floor girls bathroom.

'Mrytle?' she called out in a small voice. No reply. Great, even moaning Mrytle couldn't be there for her. The girl had a peculiar relationship with the young ghost. During Ana's first year she found herself there during a particularly bad panic attack and, for whatever reason, the ghost took pity on the small girl and vowed from then on she would try her best to cheer Ana up. From then on Ana often found herself in that bathroom whenever she needed comforting. It sounded silly, but Mrytle was perhaps the only person who knew everything Ana went through.

She left the bathroom and made her way down to the Slytherin common room. She wasn't there very often as she usually slept in Lil and Mar's dorm only ever really returning for a fresh change of clothes.

'Well if it isn't Anastasia,' A cold voice came from the corner. Tiberius.

'Tiberius, I'm really not in the mood.' Ana scowled.

'Oh but I am,' The dark haired boy made his way over to where Ana was stood, 'what is it now? cat died? parents found out you made friends with a mudblood? oh! I know... broke up with your boyfriend' when no response came he found himself with a smirk on his face. Tiberius took his slender hand and slapped her hard across the face, 'didn't your parents ever tell you to respond when your betters ask you a question?'

'You are not my better,' Anastasia hissed while rubbing her sore cheek. His rings made it hurt ten times times more than it should've.

'Really? because last time I checked I'm a man and you're a woman.'

'Oh fuck off!' she shouted as she made her way up to her dorm.


'Don't you think it's weird?' Sirius asked.

'Huh?' James responded with his eyes shut as he tried to fall asleep.

'Ana didn't come see us today...'

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