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"Your ego made your head so big, you can't see."

(Word Count: 626)


*Seabrook High*


"Zed for prez!" Zed announced on the campus grounds. "Vote Zed for prez, because I'm a zombie, not a zom-CAN'T-be." he chuckled. I rolled my eyes because that's the stupidest slogan I've ever heard.

I was passing out posters with Eliza and Zed because Addison told me that the first step to being nice is helping out. So i decided to help Zed run against my brother, which is gonna earn me a tantrum when Bucky finds out.

"Thanks again for the help, Bianca." Zed smiled at me. "No problem. With the three of us, the word will get out faster," I replied, handing out a few more.

"Okay, here's our platform." Eliza began. "We fight for zombie toppings on pizza in the cafeteria. Get Zombie tongue taught as a second language. And how to overthrow your oppressors after school club."

"Eliza." I gave her a knowing look. "Sorry, right. Don't ever promise." she said. "But more importantly, we allow zombies at Prawn." Zed responded.

"Good luck, Mr. Future President." Addison beamed as she walked over to us. Bree almost ran over on cue.

"Hey, Zed!" she exclaimed giddy. I squeezed her shoulder to attempt to calm her down. "Did you hear? Addison's being tested for captain and she gets to run cheer practice tomorrow!" she squealed. I looked at her in shock.

"Addy, you didn't tell me this!" I smiled. She shrugged. "I wanted to see the look on your face when you all found out later. Especially the Aceys." she chuckled. "Besides, it's not a big deal."

Bree and I shared a look that screamed "what?!"

Addison laughed. "Okay, it's huge."

"A huge chance to fail!" Lacey called from a table nearby. Her and the other Aceys were working on something for Bucky, as usual. I turned to Addison.

"Well, there goes your chance to see their faces," I said.

"If Addy aces this practice, oh my gosh. She's so going to be cheer captain once Bucky wins." Bree exclaimed. I motioned for her to stop with my hand over my neck, but she continued.

"He's so gonna win, because you know, elections, they're just like these big popularity contests." Addison shook her head as she rambled on.

"And Bucky is super popular." Zed cleared his throat.

"What?" she looked at all of us giving her that look. "Thanks, Bree..." Zed weakly smiled and looked at his posters.

Well. That shut her up.

Addison looked at Zed. "I know it's weird I'll only be cheer captain if Bucky's president, but..."

"No, that just means neither of us can lose, because one of us is going to get what we want." Zed reassured her. "And I can live with that." Addison smiled. "Me too. You'll do great Zed.

We continued our campaign walk on campus, talking about different classes and the new werewolves.

We ran into Bonzo, who was also handing out posters and wearing some sort of board with Zed's face on it.

"Shish, boom." Bucky rode up in a Seabrook van speaking his campaign through a megaphone. It made Bozno's board look cheap.

"Bucky Buchanan for president. A vote for Bucky is a vote for cheer-fection."

*Inside Seabrook High*


Us wolves walked through the halls, Willa occasionally snarling at the humans every chance she got. Even though we weren't supposed to be there, our school outfits were fire.

"These sheep just let us in?" Willa snarled. "Baaaad idea." I rolled my eyes. "We agreed to play nice."

"Oh, this is me being nice." she scraped her long fingernails on the lockers, ending right in front of some humans.

"Now let's find that moonstone."

Startin Up a Fire (~Wyatt from Zombies 2~)Where stories live. Discover now