Chapter eight

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He listened to the sound of the creaking wood that framed the house as the wind grew increasingly violent outside, the storm was only moments away. He was settled in and falling sleep, feeling a tinge of trust growing in him toward Rain who was sitting at the kitchen table, reading a book on his cellphone. Jet hadn't seen the aunt since she disappeared into the room but he had convinced himself that she was resting with her children. He didn't care anymore. He had decided that if he got some sleep then he would be refreshed enough to evaluate the situation more aptly.

A dream soon seized control of his mind. It was a pleasant dream and even in the state of sleep, he willed himself to not wake. The sun felt so pleasurable on his skin and the sound of seagulls squawking filled his ears. His name was being whispered by a voice that he hadn't heard in so long and it warmed his heart. In that moment, he understood where he was was, the sun was out, the air was cool and the people were buzzing around enjoying the beautiful day. Hadn't he believed that this would be how his visit here would have turned out? Maybe his mind was trying to remind him.

When Jet arrived here, he was greeted by the smiling faces of his grandparents and family members who were eager to see him. He was happy and his troubles seemed to have strayed far from his mind as he boarded his grandfather's flashy sedan. Life was supposed to take on some meaning for him and for a moment, he seemed to be following the right path and then he remembered her.

She was beautiful, a celestial creation of pure temptation. Her long flowing hair was like silk threads that danced when she walked, almost like it was alive. Her curves were perfect, her long slender limbs left you breathless. She had dark eyes that burned with a seductive fire and lips that tempted you to cross all boundaries. She flaunted her beauty to him, sending him a secret message with her looks and movements that only he could decipher, she wanted him to have her and he fell for it like a fool. He gave in to her temptation and allowed himself to be swallowed whole by lust. She was mind blowing in bed, willing to do anything to please him, even grovel at his feet but, with time, he awoke from her spell and freed himself from the binds of lust and he was able to see who she was.

That dream had suddenly dredged up many bad memories in his mind, leaving a bitter taste in his mouth. Still, he enjoyed feeling himself sitting at the beach, he enjoyed the warm sun on his face and the sound of the ocean waves crashing down onto the shore.

A sound started pulling him away from his pleasant dream like a vacuum. He was walking along the shore, the warm bubbly waves kissing his feet, pulling the sand away from beneath his soles as they returned to the ocean. The sound of someone retching was out of place. He couldn't open his eyes, the tiredness had paralyzed him but he knew that he had to wake up because he knew that it was Rain.

"Why didn't you swallow it!" the aunt said him, screaming angrily.


Rain was gasping, winded and weak.

"You're grandfather will be here any moment now!"

"And then what? What will you tell Jet when he wakes up and I'm missing?"

"That you became ill and you went off to sleep with the children!"

"He wouldn't believe you...he's already..." He stopped talking before he could finish his sentence.

"Drink it Rain!"

Drink what? Jet's heart was beating in his chest, he knew Rain was in trouble but he could not wake up. There were ten pairs of hands holding him down, keeping his eyes tightly shut.

"Sit down!"

The screeching of a chair pierced through the clear blue skies in Jet's dream.

"What did you think? That bringing him here would have stopped any of this from happening? That's not how this works Rain. You should have run when you had the chance."

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