chapter 6: a...friend?

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--Jake POV

It's been a few days since I last went to the yard at breaktimes (mainly because I was too stressed that people would gossip if they saw me), so I decide that I should finally build up some courage and go outside.

Contrary to my beliefs, there weren't even many students around, they were probably eating in the cafeteria this early through lunchtime.

I sat down at a bench to eat my food after a few minutes of walking and feeling so bored to the point where I could explode.

"Hey! Are you that Juyeon Jaeyun guy?!?" I flinched as someone squealed at me from behind, not knowing how to respond.

"Well.. yes, Sim Jaeyun, or" I replied nervously.

"Wang Yixiang." He smiled warmly, extending a hand towards me. " can call me Nicholas!"

I shook his hand reluctantly, and, shortly after, realised how contagious his smile was.

"We know each other's names, so whether you like it or not, you are my friend now." He confidently announced, his grin almost emitting rays of sunlight.

"A...friend??" I questioned, somewhat surprised. "Wait, really???"

He nodded to confirm his statement, leaving me dumbfounded.

"I might as well make as many friends as I can in this life, I seem to be running short of time" He whispered to himself sadly, still smiling. I pretended not to hear him - I don't think he would've liked me to reply to that either way, but still I was starting to become slightly concerned about his wellbeing.

"So, what would you like to do?" He pulled me up from the bench and towards the newly-installed swings nearby.


mhm im back yall finally, with a new idea, and warning, this story will include strong concepts of suicide, depression, abuse and violence so if ur not comfy w that i recommend u stop reading now.


🖤⛓️ wish you back 🖤⛓️  -a jakehoon ffWhere stories live. Discover now