"Psycho" ex

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I wanted to thank sibelwastaken for this suggestion, Ik it's meant to be a dreamity book but I feel like this kind of just fits the theme. I'm sorry for the sudden change of pace and all that and the lack of updating :] I have been very busy


This is the new version of Psycho ex. Ik I said you all could vote but I wanted to do both of the ones I'd put down :] and I wanted it to be the main part of the story line :]


Tw: Kidnapping, making out, mentioning of kissing/ biting neck, ropes, fighting, swords
Characters: Dream, George, SapNap, Charlie and Quackity
Ships: Dreamnotfound (angst and slight smut)
GeorgeNap (angst)
Dreamity (angst and fluff)
Story type: Fluff, angst and slight smut
Words: 1307

-George's POV-

"Are you sure you want to do this George...? I mean they told you no for a reason.." I sighed heavily and turned my head to look at SapNap. "Yes I want to do this! Dreams just confused, Quackity isn't right for them, I am." I turned away from him angrily. "But... what about me..?" "SapNap just shut up! I'm doing this cause it's right for Dream!" "Fine.. good luck with Dream." SapNap stormed out angrily, and he didn't look back. I didn't have time to think about him, I had to get Dream.

—At Las Nevadas—

I snuck into Las Nevadas around 10 minutes ago, and I still couldn't fine where Dream was. Until I found a room with the sound of peaceful breathing, Dream. And Quackity.. My heart melted at the sight of them, Dream obviously. I carefully grabbed them out of Quackity's grasp and held them gently but tight enough so they didn't fall. "We'll finally be back together my love~" I whispered in their ear.

—When George got Dream to a cave—

-Dreams POV-

I woke up and I wasn't in Las Nevadas, far from it. I was in a cave. "Hello?!"  "Hi my love~" I turned to where the voice was coming from. It was George.. "George... what the hell.." I pushed my head back as he walked towards me and tried to cup my cheek. "Cmon love~ don't be like that." I tighten my eyes shut, and moved my head away quickly.
"No.. I told you no George..!"  George sighed gently, as he made a 'tch' sound. "Cmon Dream~ your too good for Quackity! And besides it's like you once said; 'we'll always be together.' I'm just making you keep your promise." George cupped my cheek and kissed me.

-a few days later-

I hate it here, it feels so uncomfortable.. I missed Quackity, and Charlie. George had been doing what he did in our old relationship... he wasn't abusing me, though.. he just kissed me and hugged me and just.. did that kinda stuff.. my hair was a mess, I was a mess. "Love~ so what'll it be today?~" George had been asking me every day if I wanted to stay with him, and date him again. That's why he's like this.. because I always say no. "No..."  "Tch, your only making this herder for yourself." Suddenly there was a
Massive bang outside. George grabbed his axe and pulled it up defensively. "Don't move- or your dead." I swallowed nervously.

-A day ago; in Las Nevadas-

-Quackity's POV-

Dream had been gone for 2 days now.. and I was about to loose hope until SapNap burst through my door. "I know where Dream and George are!" I perked up at the sound of Dreams name, god I miss them so much. "Show me." SapNap dragged me and Slimecicle out of Las Nevadas and all the way in The forest where Dream grew up. "How do we know you haven't just led us to a trap?!"  "Shush! Listen." I listened carefully and not to my surprise I head George's voice. "Son of a bitch. Slime blow it up. I need Dream back." "Of course Quackity." Me and SapNap backed up as Charlie placed a bit of tnt on the cave wall and lit it up. The cave wall gave way and me and SapNap pulled out our axes and went inside, leaving Charlie just incase.

"Who's there!" "Who do you think bitch? I'm here for Dream." I looked over at Dream who looked thankful I was there. He had bruises on his neck and his hair was a mess. "Yeah no, sorry their happy with me thanks." I glanced at George then back at Dream, they gently shook their head; meaning that George was wrong. "Anyway thanks for stopping by, but we have some stuff we need to do." George went to untie them and gave them a threatening look, as if not to run. "There love~ now-" As soon as Dream was untied, they tried to run towards me but George stopped them by grabbing their wrist firmly and pulling them back. "Y'know your a real bastard George, just leave them alone! They don't want you and this is why." George looked at me bitterly. "I see SapNap ratted me out." Dream looked at SapNap and looked shocked. "I'm calling Sam your a fucking psycho!" George seemed amused at my comment. "What..?" Dream looked at me with a solemn look. "Dream.. you can't let them do this to me, can you my love?" Dream whispered something, it wasn't audible. I looked at them both, staring into each other's eyes. But it wasn't like it was when they both first got together. When they got together they just looked so In love. But now.. now George was a psycho and was still in love with someone who didn't love him back. "Say it louder love I can't hear you."  "I.. I wanna stay here.."

"Wait what.." Dream looked over at me and sighed. "I.. I need time to think... about you two.. and who I want to be with, cause I'm just so confused..." Dream broke down into a sob and George went to comfort them. "Shh it's ok," Dream calmed down a little but kept their head on George's chest. "Call Sam If you want, I'm sorry. But just.. let me help them figure everything out.. and maybe you and SapNap can too.." I looked over at SapNap, who didn't seem to mind the idea. "It sounds like a good idea... like old times.. kinda." "Ah... ok.. fine. How long?" I turned back to George. George whispered in Dreams ear, presumably asking about how long they would need. "They said about a month or two." I nodded gently, me and SapNap said our goodbyes and left Dream and George alone.

-George's POV-

"Are you sure you wanted to stay?" Dream nodded gently against my chest. I ran my hand through their hair. "Your being much more gentle.." I gasped slightly as I heard the soft, welcoming voice melt my heart. "What- well I mean.. I didn't say you needed time just so I could be.. y'know.. rude and all that." Dream smiled at me gently and broke the hug. I took a moment to look at the features on their face again. I remember their eyes.. and their hair. But the scars against the freckles on their face were new but.. cute. "George..?" "What- huh?"  "You kinda spaced out.. are you ok?" Their still as caring as they were before.. "yeah I'm fine. Cmon let's go." I said with a smile as we left for my mushroom house.


I'm so sorry for the lack of updating I was at my Grandmas :] I am again also sorry for the sudden change of pace, and yes I have deleted the other 'psycho ex' chapter as to not confuse people.The next 2 chapters will be 4 weeks of each; DNF and sapity.

Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed

Suggestions here-

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