Dream chooses...?

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Ok so I'm gonna try and wrap this story up in one chapter because I really want to be able to start the new story I mentioned last time. Thank you so much for all the support and reads I love you all so much :] <3


Tw: Mentions abuse and alcohol
Story type: Fluff and Angst
Ships: Dreamnotfound (angst and fluff)
Dreamity (Fluff)
Sapity (Fluff and angst)
GeorgeNap (angst)
Characters: Charlie, Dream, Tommy, George, SapNap and Quackity
Words: 647


-Dreams POV-

Today was the day I had to choose between George and Quackity, I didn't really feel uncomfortable choosing either but I think I am edging more towards ****** (A/N- amount of *s doesn't mean the letters in the name/word) I mean ****** just made me feel uncomfortable, their my ***** and it doesn't feel right. I just didn't know how to tell them.. "Dream cmon!" Quackity shouted me from the flat spot in the forest. I sighed deeply and walked over. "I'm here!" I looked at them both. They were both on edge. SapNap was standing to the left of George. I assumed it was because Quackity didn't want anything to do with Him, makes sense. He is his ex. Charlie was next to Quackity, looking through his book more than paying attention. "Who do you pick..?" I looked over at George and swallowed.


My breath hitched as a lump formed in my throat

I swallowed it and tried speaking again

"I pick..."

"Well uh.."


"I'm sorry George! Yes you have changed I can see that but it just wouldn't make sense! Your my ex and I don't feel like I'd be fully comfortable dating you..."

The tension was high, I didn't know how George would react. Maybe he would go back to his old ways. Maybe he wouldn't. I didn't know. "That's fine Dream.. don't worry.. besides, I guess I should have realised that I had someone who loved me enough already." George turned to SapNap and smiled, holding his arms wide open for him to run into. And SapNap did exactly that. "I'm so happy you finally you understand.." Quackity pulled me closer towards him and kissed me, just like he did in prison. How all of this even started.

"So does that mean we can.. still be friends?" I nodded gently, smiling at SapNap and George as they smiled back. We all said goodbye and went our separate ways. We got back to Las Nevadas with Charlie, then I saw Tommy running towards me. He jumped up and hugged Me. "Oh my god Dream I thought you got abducted or some shit!" I laughed gently. "Nope. I will be staying here though." "Good, I swear Quackity was a mess without you." I laughed slightly as Quackity swore at Tommy and dragged me to our room. He pulled me onto the bed and cuddled me gently. "I love you so much darling..." he ran his fingers through my hair and we fell asleep. "I love you too.."

-George's POV-

Dream didn't choose me.. but it's fine. I don't blame them, our relationship was really shitty and toxic. And besides I had SapNap Anyway. We had just gotten home and I pulled him into a hug. "What's this for babe?" "I'm sorry for everything... I love you so much... I hope that you believe me.." I felt a hand cup my cheek and someone kiss me softly. "I'll always believe you." We sat on the couch and hugged. We were made for each other... and so we're Dream and Quackity..


Lol sorry it's short but I have no motivation and I wanna start getting ready to do my other story :] I'll probably post abt it on this one as well but thank you so much for 728 reads, 42 votes and like 70 comments. I appreciate it so much and I love you all!

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