I Still Don't Know What The Fuck This Is

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"m' gon'... pass out..." Theseus mumbled, his words slurring together with his blood trickling down his chin. He heard a dark chuckle behind them, he whipped his head over to the sound so quickly, that he was pretty sure he had whiplash.

Clay gripped his axe tightly, barely suppressing the urge to kill someone. Even though he didn't know Theseus that well, he treated the teenager like a brother, his other teammates felt the same about each other as well.

And as the leader of the Dream Team, it was almost instinctual to worry and care for his teammates. Theseus, 404, and Flame like to call him a mother hen.

"Are you alright, Thes?" Clay had asked, hands frantically moving around, unsure of what to do.

"I'm fine... fucking mother-hen..." Theseus had muttered the last part, but he still heard it. When Theseus first joined their group, he was reckless, loud, and energetic. Very unlike what he is now, cautious, still loud, and stronger.

(It reminded him of his youngest sibling, Tommy. But no way that Theseus was Tommy, right?)

Theseus was reckless when he first became a vigilante, and now he got shot. "Theseus..."  Clay sighed, grabbing a rag to apply pressure to the wound. He looked around to see if he had an exit wound, fortunately, he did.

"You have to be more careful..." He shook his head fondly, Theseus winced as he put more pressure on the bullet wound, it reminded him of when Tommy scrapped his knee as a kid.

Clay was always pissed and worried when his teammates were injured. No, not pissed at them. Never at them. Right now? When Theseus passed out and now this man is laughing? When the man laughing could be connected to the red smoke that was draining his teammate? To 

"What. The. Fuck. Did you do?!" Clay hissed, standing up and stalking forward until he was face-to-face with the unknown man. He gritted his teeth and his hand with the axe tightened while the other was clenched into a fist.

The man's sinister grin grew, his red eyes -wait red? why was it red?..- crinkling in... joy? Was it joy? Clay didn't know.

Clay pursed his lips, suddenly feeling wary. Why was the man smiling when he was clearly outnumbered? He took a step back. The unknown man's smile -if it was even possible- grew.

He twisted his head a bit to see his teammates. 404 had his daggers poised in the air, his blue-green enhancement swirling around him. Flame was in position with his hands lit with fire. Theseus was safely wrapped up in 404's enhancement and passed out.

"Who are you? Why are you laughing? Did you cause this explosion and this... red smoke?" He wasn't Clay right now, he was Dream. There was a reason why people on the streets feared him. He stood up to his full height, which Theseus always said was terrifying.

The man laughed, but Dream didn't falter. He raised an eyebrow at the man, "Sorry about that." The feminine voice said. She looked beyond Dream in favor to sneak a glance at Theseus. Dream followed her gaze but immediately looked towards the woman again.

"Okay damn, I misgendered you." Dream muttered before saying, "Just say what you want," Dream trailed off when he realized he didn't know the woman's name. Upon seeing this though, the man answered the silent question, " 'Names Blue. Generic? I know."

"Just... Blue?" 'Blue' -apparently,- nodded. "So uh, why were you laughing and shit?" Flame cut in. "Nothin' just thought it was funny." She shrugged. "So... You weren't the one that..?" 404 trailed off. She shook her head, "Nope" she said popping out the 'p'.

"What the fuck man.."

She cackled, "Oh you should've seen the look on your faces." Blue threw her head back in laughter. Once she recovered, "But in all seriousness," her expression was stained with seriousness now. "I don't know what happened here. I don't know what's this red smoke. I was patrolling District 2 and came here because I saw the explosion when I was far away."

She crossed her arms, "Maybe we can properly introduce ourselves to each other when we have the chance." She put one of her hands on her chest to show sincerity. "Oh and, you should probably get Theseus out of here and wake him up." She pointed out, turning around to face away from Clay. 

She turned her head ever so slightly to look expectantly at him. He scratched the back of his head, "C'mon Dream." Clay sighed, starting to walk toward her, he briefly heard Flame shuffling to carry Theseus. Eventually, he heard their receding footsteps, growing softer and softer until they were out of the grocery store.

"Alright, they're gone now," Blue said. Clay crossed his arms, "What's this about?" 

"I was going to ask you about a person that a couple is looking for. Probably their child." Dream raised an eyebrow about that. "Description?"

"Decently built, fifteen years old, tall, probably around.. 6'3, blonde hair, blue eyes." Clay stiffened, that was Tommy.

"Parents said they were separated and they are worried sick." Blue removed their cloak, revealing a feminine figure. Probably around fifteen or sixteen, 5'6, short aqua blue hair with a dark blue mask covering her eyes. She had a black sleeveless turtle neck with black skinny jeans.

"Wanna go look for him?"


Theseus opened his eyes, groaning as he tried to adjust to the light. The warm pillow that was gently moving him suddenly stopped. He peeled his eyes open to see his brothers, Flame and 404 looking him over in concern. After a few minutes of reassuring them that he'd be fine on his own to go home, they finally stopped hovering over him.

He went into an alley and waited for them to go before taking off his suit and limping back to his adoptive parents. Darryl spotted him, "Hey Dad, Pa." He said weakly. Zak turned to him and tried to help him walk. Darryl walked up to him and picked him up. "You alright kiddo?" he asked, face pinched with worry, same with Zak.

"I'm fine, Theseus helped me get my ankle out of the debris. Pretty sure it's broken though." Eventually, his brother would come out one by one. None the wiser as to why their brother's injury was the same with their teammate's.


1047 words

ook many days to complete this bc I had classes :,D

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