A Mystery

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^ Tommy in this chapter and pretty much the rest of the story.


Once his dad carried him to the car- with his brothers and other dad trailing behind him. Darryl was currently mother-henning him like there was no tomorrow as he was driving, Zak was eyeing him, worry evident in his expression- but there was something else in his face, though worry was more in his eyes. 

Tommy felt a nagging in his gut, he ignored it. It was probably just his imagination, probably. When they got home, one of his adoptive fathers, Darryl, went to the bathroom to get the first-aid kit, while his other father, Zak, set Tommy's ankle so he could move without much pain.

His brothers were sent into their rooms for eventual check-ups, and right now Tommy was in his room getting checked first.

Zak sat there, staring at Tommy's ankle after he set it, looking like he was a hundred miles away. He saw his father swallow, it heavily bothered Tommy that Zak was surprisingly good at hiding how he felt, Zak's face was scrunched in concentration. Tommy swallowed, taking it upon himself to break the silence, "Pa?.." Zak's head snapped to him, making him flinch in surprise.

Zak's face seemed to come out of his fog, and his face softened and ruffled Tommy's hair. Zak opened his mouth to say something, but he didn't get to, since Darryl rushed into the room. Zak swiveled his head toward his husband, his hand reaching out to grab the first-aid kit.

'Come to think of it, Pa was always unnervingly good at first-aid... maybe he was a medic or a healer?'  This thought didn't phase Tommy one, since one of his fucking fathers was the number one fucking villain and all three of his siblings are vigilantes, and he was too! It wouldn't surprise him if Zak were a healer.

Tommy snapped his mouth shut, Zak- who was usually always in the same mood, happy and carefree, the expression on Zak's face looked severely out of place as he did the seemingly familiar motions with practiced ease. It bothered Tommy, he was so concentrated on his father that he didn't see Darryl go out of his room and to one of his other brother's rooms.

Eventually, his dad spoke up, "There we go, I'm done, Toms." he looked up from Tommy's foot, smiling- it wasn't fake, no. It just looked pained, and he didn't know why. He spent that night trying to pick apart the mystery when it reached midnight, he decided to give up and sleep.


Tommy opened his eyes slowly, groaning as- yet again, the sunlight went into his eyes. He just laid there for a few minutes, wondering what he thought about last night, and suddenly, the memories just came pouring in.

He groaned, running his hand through his face. Tommy supposed he could get his answers in a month, minimum a week.

He sat up slowly, he didn't have many leads as to what his other Dad's job was or his old job. He didn't know.

He remembered that he said he was supposed to check the news about what happened with Tubbo and Ranboo.

He leaned over to grab his phone on his nightstand, groaning as he twisted to get it. He clicked the search bar and typed, he entered it. He waited for it to load, and when it did, he tapped 'news'.

Multiple things caught his eye, one from his Dad's company. You see, Darryl had two jobs. One was being a villain, and being the CEO of a news channel. Title being, bare with Tommy, 'Muffiny News'.


Tommy could think of a few reasons why setting up a news station was a good idea for a villain like his Dad. One of them is that he needed more information about what's going on in the city so he doesn't get caught off guard. Another one is that if he gets caught, people won't be suspicious.

Tommy sighed fondly, before focusing again. It was titled, "Vigilante Nuke sets off a bomb, two almost..."  He sucked in a breath at that, 'Well, that isn't a good start...'

He pressed the headline, and the words on the web page made his stomach churn once he reached the bottom he was about to click off, but he saw a video where the news station's helicopter flew above the scene, streaming it live.

He bit his lip, and he decided to bite the bullet as well. Just a moment after pressing it he felt regret, but he just stared at the screen.

ʰ ᵒ ʳ ˢ ᵉ
The helicopter flew atop the scene, most of it being enveloped in smoke. You could hear gunshots, and screams and barely see the outline of people moving. The camera moves to a feminine figure holding a microphone with one hand and the other holding her(?) short neon blue hair out of her(?) face.

She(?) opened her(?) mouth but before she could get a word out a sound of an explosion rang throughout, Tommy could see the cameraman flinch. Given how the camera suddenly moved, the woman(?) however, didn't.

She(?) simply signaled for the cameraman to point the camera back down to the situation, and the guy behind the camera seemed to follow. When the camera panned back to the scene, Tommy could see Ranboo and Tubbo, or rather, Ender and Nuke.

Tommy swallowed as the camera zoomed in on them talking, well- more like arguing. Ender's hands were moving everywhere as he visibly panicked, Tommy could imagine him lecturing Nuke.

The lady(?) started speaking again, but Tommy couldn't hear anything at this point. He was too concentrated on watching, Ender finally seized his lecturing- no doubt saving that for later- and he grabbed one of the injured persons and laid them on his bad vaguely giving Nuke directions before teleporting out.
ʰ ᵒ ʳ ˢ ᵉ

He clicked off and sighed, running his hand through his hair. He eventually decided to just go on Twitter, probably a bad idea, but hey, he didn't have anything else to do. The first thing he saw on his TL was pictures of the news that he just watched, dating back two days ago. It left a bad taste in his mouth.

His eyes briefly scanned the tweet and scrolled a few minutes past this until he found another one that caught his attention.

Blue @/ThatBlueVigilante
who tf is this bitch?? wait, is THAT ADAMAS??? 'cause that sure af is NOT me. i have BRIGHT BLUE NEON HAIR. THIS GUY HAS LIGHT BLUE. OMG CANCEL HIM HES STEALING MY IDENTITY /j
*Picture shows a guy wearing a white and blue hood, that was mostly white. On top of a black-sleeveless turtleneck. And interestingly enough, he had diamond-like wings that looked like diamonds but also looked.. soft.*

Tommy could've sworn he saw those wings before.


1150 words.

Apologies everyone, the previous month or so have been quite hectic. So I haven't posted as much. I'm SO SORRY. Accept this chapter as an offering?

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