Chapter 3: Sometime Later...

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A millennium later...

Light shone through the window, as the young girl slept soundly. The golden light fell on her face, and her auburn hair was tangled up as she snored without a worry. Her dreaming was interrupted by several impatient knocks on her door, as she heard a familiar voice.

"Aria, it's time to play. It is morning and I order you to wake up!" a small authoritative voice sang, at a time Aria thought to be too early for music. She drudgingly took off the perfectly warm duvet and walked towards the door, opening it to find her 5-year-old sister, Sriy, still wearing her nightgown, her blonde hair plaited into 2 messy braids, the result of sleeping in them, as her green eyes glistened in the morning light.

"Sriy, I hardly think it's the time for games, it's 7 in the morning" was the first thing Aria said to her sister while fighting yawns.

"Exactly! It's 7 in the morning! We've lost precious time! You shall not yawn or snore any longer!" She pointed her finger towards her older sister, who at this point was not happy with how her morning had started.

"I don't snore."

"Yes, you do"

No, I don't"

"But you do"


"Girls, isn't it too early for this?" in came their mother, Queen of Witeria, Her Majesty Helia wearing her usual court attire.

"Alright, you're up and about so go on, dress up and you're coming to the court today. You're overdue for a practical session." she finished with a slight chuckle at the young girls' collective groan.

"It's important business, my princesses. Your father and I want you to be the best rulers ever, and that requires hard work. Go on then, freshen up!" She pat them on the head as they went off to their rooms.

They heeded the order of their mother, something which was unusual to the young future rulers, The Elder Princess of Witeria, Aria The Third was a 10-year-old who not only her own kingdom, but others had quickly begun to adore, and her younger sister, Princess Sriy of Witeria, who although had lesser about her life known to the people of their kingdom, was similarly loved.

The 10 and 5-year-old had recently been adopted by the royal family after they were the only living survivor of a wrongly carried out raid on a nearby village. They had found them under a horse-driven carriage, with the elder sister clutching her asleep sister close, with nothing but a worn-out dagger, tattered clothes and a strong will to survive.

Their life had changed for the worst, and then the best in a matter of months, from living happily with a family they no longer remembered, to losing them, to now being on the path to ruling their kingdom with adoring parents and subjects that idolised them, the Princesses couldn't hope for more.

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