Chapter 5: A Voyage & The Start of Something New

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"All aboard, dear?" the Queen asked her husband while stepping onto the ship, hitching up her emerald gown to prevent it from getting wet.

"Yes, my love. Our children and- sorry- child. Look how your sister is being so responsible and taking care of our kingdom," the King playfully reprimanded his younger daughter as she was stepping onto the grand vessel. "Yeah, yeah. She's amazing and I'm so proud of her, but did she really have to leave me alone with our weird cousin?"

"Come on now dear, he might be, for the lack of a better word, pretentious. However, 'weird' is not appropriate." replied while taking off his heavy, blue coat and handing it off to one of his attendants.

"Really? The guy who clutched his chest and fell to the ground when I told him I put on my own coat?"

Dismissing the conversation with a flick of the wrist between got up from his seat to bid a final adieu to his elder daughter, when something felt wrong. He didn't know why, he didn't know how, but something inside him was trying to surround his brain about a certain dread surrounding this trip.

They waved to Aria one last time, and the journey had begun.


As the sun shone, it rose on a different kingdom, now overseen by an although temporary, but new leader, Crown Princess Aria Bienneldottir. The birds seemed to sing a different tune, and the water, made a new melody with each ripple. 

Her majesty was looking out of her window, her green gown looking as if it were twinkling in the sunlight. Her long, auburn locks were tied in a bun to keep them out of her eyes, as she took in deep breaths. She had to prove herself as a leader fit to rule a country while keeping up with legacies left behind by previous Queens and Kings. She had to prove herself to her father, who should gleam in delight once he steps foot in his kingdom again, she could almost hear the king say, "Dottir, I'm proud of you."

She took in deep breaths to calm herself, but it didn't seem to work. All her anxiety had clogged up her mind and dread weighed heavy on the shoulders that once remained high with pride. As she entered the court, it felt like every single person bowing to her was just waiting, waiting for the day she would fumble, for the day they could all point their fingers and laugh at foolish child who was playing Queen in the absence of her parents. 

"What is a leader", Aria thought, "if not a being of laws behind a brave face?" Putting the latter to use, Aria stepped on the last stair and took her seat on the throne. With a smile faker than the ones on the faces of those who Aria knew, were after nothing but her throne, she cast aside all her insecurities for later, for it was time, and the court had begun.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 27, 2022 ⏰

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