Aftermath and A 'Late' Student?

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"So guys... How would you define what we just experienced?" Taka strangely asked, but Y/N didn't feel like answering for now. 

"How...? Why...? I don't understand any of this." Leon answered.

"We have to l-live here forever...? Or... k-kill?" Toko repeated, full of terror. "Wh-What? What just happened!?" 

"Some bear reject from a kid's show went psycho and kidnapped us all and locked us in here and now it's either live in harmony until we die naturally or kill to escape," Zion summarised, not getting the best reactions out of it. 

"Everyone, we need to just calm down and act seriously," Kyoko spoke up, also aiming the last two words at Zion. "First, let's just take a second to summarise everything we just heard in a serious manner. Based on what Monokuma said, we essentially have two choices. Choice number one is that we each stay here, living a "communal life" together until the day we die. And the other choice is..."

"If we want to get out of here alive, we have to kill someone. Right?" Celeste finished for her in a "I've definitely not just become scheming" manner. 

"But... Killing someone... That's..." Chihiro cut off, tears forming in her eyes. 

"We were abducted out of nowhere and stuffed into this place meant to look like a school. And now we're supposed to start killing each other? This is..." Hifumi began. "This is...this is just...! What IS this!?"

"A lie, is what it is. All these ridiculous things we've heard... This all has to be fake!" Taka stated, still in denial about the whole situation they were finding themselves in. 

"Right now it doesn't really matter if it's real or fake. What matters is..." Byakuya continued. "Is there anyone here who's seriously considering all this...?" Silence. The most reassuring silence that no one was scheming anything dark or evil! Instead of saying something verbally, everyone decided to look at each other, trying to figure out what everyone else was thinking. Pftt... Don't they know that analysing people is MY job? I can figure out who's lying and who isn't... But I've realised the true intent of Monokuma's words... He wants us to turn on each other, because the mental states of humans can EASILY be manipulated with the right equipment on your side. Right now... in this situation... it's kill or be killed, isn't it? Everyone here are thinking about it; them killing someone and escaping because of it. All you have to do is be smart and do everything you can to hide what you have done. However... Just killing someone and then suddenly being able to leave seems too good to be true for a psychopath to allow. It'd be best to wait for the first murder to occur, where we can figure out any twists never mentioned. Heh, I can wait. And while I wait, I can exploit any trust built between me and the others to help me when the time is right. Soon enough, the perfect opportunity will reveal itself... The waiting game begins.

"So? What are you going to do now?" Kyoko asked everyone, most likely aiming the question at those who were having thoughts of committing a murder though. "Just stand around glaring at each other?" What she said seemed to have brought everyone else back to reality and away from whatever dark thoughts they had. 

"R-Right... She's right!" Taka spoke up. "Sometimes, even if you're nervous and afraid, you just have to step forward! To forget such a simple fact... I can't forgive myself. I'm so ashamed! Please, someone hit me! I can't forgive myself! Somebody hit me! Punish me!"

"Jesus," Mondo responded. "If you have time to yell about it, you have time to DO something about it."

"Perhaps, but... what is the mission, exactly? Hifumi asked.

"Idiot! To look for a way out, duh!" Leon explained. 

"And we totally need to find out whoever was controlling that stupid bear and beat the hell out of 'em," Junko added.

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