Chapter 5

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A month since Kara came to earth one and join and helped Barry's team. Team Arrow was in Central City to see team flash but Barry was in CCPD doing his work as he has plenty of files to do and Barry was stressed as Iris was still going in Star Labs even though Barry keeps telling her to leave Kara felt bad but Barry calms her down most nights Barry was in his thoughts when the door knocked he looked up to see Oliver "hey Barry" Oliver says "hey Man hows things what you doing here not that I am bother also you need anything" says Barry "No Buddy Felicity wanted to come to see you guys so me Thea Diggle and Felicity here to see you guys" Oliver told Barry which he smiles and nodded they man hug then Barry went back to his work "did you go into Star labs yet" asked Barry "yeah since when you going tell me Kara has been here for a month and staying with you" Oliver tease "oh um well" Barry shyness says not know how to say it "don't worry anyway for a month has there been any Feelings towards the girl of steel" Oliver asked "Maybe" Barry blushed.

While Barry and Oliver talking back in star labs felicity Caitlin Thea and Kara are in the lounge area "so Kara any feeling for Scarlet Speedster who is like another brother to me and to Oliver" says Thea but teasing Kara blushed "um Maybe but I can't I will have to go back to my earth and I can't do that to Barry he cute and a good guy I can't break his heart if we do get together" she says "you know what Kara you and Barry should try it out until you go back just see how it goes" Felicity tells Kara Caitlin nods her head agreeing "maybe" Kara says.

Later on, Barry and Oliver enters and sees the ladies Cisco and Diggle "hey everyone" barry says Thea hugs Barry "Hey Barry" She says "Hey speedy" Barry said Felicity hugs Barry too "it good to see you guys" Barry tells them "Barry can we talk" asked Kara "sure Kara" before they head Iris comes in Barry gets annoyed "STOP COMING IN HERE PLEASE WE DON'T WANT YOU HERE GO BACK TO YOUR OTHER JOB" Barry shouted even shocking team arrow "NOT UNTIL SHE GOES" Iris tells him Barry grab Kara hand which they both felt a lightning spark he speeds to the time Vault "sorry about that" he says "we need to talk" she tells him looking at their hands still lock "Barry I like you more than friends more than super friends and I think you like me too" she says he nods with a smile "But What will happen if we do and time we do fall in love I have to go long distance doesn't work and your special to my life I can't lose you" she says "hey why don't we go on date don't get carry away Kara" he says smile and grabs her cheeks and kiss her lips.

sorry it short

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