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It was the beginning of autumn! Dazai's favourite season. As the beautiful sun set on the world and bought a calming breeze to the wind, Dazai was sitting on the windowsill but after it got a bit to chilly for Kunikidas liking he made him sit on the bed and informed him that he'd get ill. 'You'll get sick and I won't be able to look after you because of work' was his exact words.

Dazai was peaceful drifting off to the idea of a double suicide with his beloved Doppo as every night goes, that was until the sound of a ring vibrated throughout the place the two men call home. A yell was heard from the washroom as his husband responded to the noise before him.

"Osamu! Could you get that please?" Such a loving tone was not unusual to the brunette, believe it or not Kuinikida was very loving when they were alone and Dazai love's every minute of it.

"Okay Love!" He yelled back as he rolled off the bed and skipped to the front door and looked through the peep hole, but no one was in there? He was ready to go back to bed when his ears picked up on a little cry which sounded like... a baby?

He was starting to get suspicious and opened the door and looked around until he heard the cry again, it was coming from bellow him. He looked down, eyes becoming comically wide as he looked at the sight before him.

It was Atsushi, but he was a baby!


"Mmm, Osamu? What's wrong?" Kunikida walked up behind Dazai and looked down to wherever his lover was looking. Well, now had the same starstruck look on their faces.

Atsushi began to cry more and cover his ears with tiny hands, it brought pain to both their hearts to see him in such a state, it was upsetting enough when he got like that as an adult, but as a baby? That has to be the most upset He had ever seen him. So Dazai carefully picked him up and bought him inside he didn't want to cause the poor thing to freeze to death as Kunikida went to look around the building, but found nothing.

The baby seemed to stop crying as much as he was but still covers his ears, it hurt. Kunikida must have triggered his sensory issues, Atsushi had mentioned to him a little while ago that he had sensory issues and that on top of his tiger senses caused him to have sensory overloads a lot.
Kunikida came back three minutes later, as he walked into the room the other two were in and the sight he saw sent his heart racing in his chest. It was Dazai, his beloved husband of two years now, cradling a sniffing baby Atsushi in an attempted to soothe his pain.

After a while, by the looks of it, he had started to calm down and his crying had stopped, that all you could hear were hics and a few staggered breaths as Dazai rocked him gently in his arms. It was.. shocking to say the least, I mean Dazai the Dazai Osamu suicide extraordinaire being good with children, let alone babies for gods sake toddlers usually cry when they see him while their out.

After Atsushi had properly calmed down he lifted his little hands up to grab onto Osamus cheeks and hold them lightly, the brunette seemed to be taken aback and completely froze.

"Osamu, you okay there?" Kunikida decided to finally walkup to them offering to take Atsushi and watch him while his lover sleeps.

But... next thing you know Dazais holding onto his and rubbing it, the way he held it was like it was made of a fine porcelain and could break if he held it to hard or it would crack if he ever let go. Atsushi seemed to like that because he started giggling and smiling, and so was Dazai, he had one of the softest most genuine smiles he had ever seen him have.

The only other handful of times he had seen Dazai smile so warmly was when he proposed or when they would go on dates a lot more than they do now and he can't forget their wedding day. And that was nearly two years ago now. It brought a small smile to his lips seeing them look so calm and happy.

"So, we should probably inform the ADA about this right?" He was turned towards kunikida now holding Atsushi in one arm and the other was on his hip, while they were talking atsushi started to doze of and kunikida noticed and offered to take him and get him ready for bed so his husband hands the baby over and goes to get some more blankets so that Atsushi is completely comfortable.

Once it was done and everyone was ready they got into bed, by the time Dazai had made the little blanket bed in the middle of his and kunikidas spaces on it, Atsushi was fast asleep and all Kunikida could hear from him was his little tired breathes.

After they got comfortable they plopped the baby in the middle of them and watched him sleep for a minute before Dazai abruptly said.

"So this was Atsushi-kun before that horrid  orphanage got ahold of him hu!" He was laying on his side with one of his arms supporting his weight and the other reaches out to hold the little one next to him.

"I suppose it is" is all the blond could say and he looks down at the sleeping infant as he also reaches out to stroke his head. "Such a innocent child, how could anyone do such a thing to him"

The anger was clearly there but quickly ceased as he felt a hand on his shoulder and he looked up to find a pare of calm, soft eyes tied on him as Dazai spoke again.

"That doesn't matter anymore" Kunikida was confused and anger was festering inside him again and he was going to ask 'Wtf do you mean it doesn't matter?' But before he could speak Dazai continues "It doesn't matter anymore, because he has us now!"
This fic is practically my personal brainrot that I want to share with Wattpad, the idea of the ADA looking after a baby Atsushi has become my new comfort the idea of a baby Atsushi in general gives me great joy so here you go a 1034 word fic about domestic kunidazai and a baby Atsushi. If you have any suggestions for the next chapter do write them in the comments. Love you all!

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