Bring your kid to work day!!

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The soft glow of a morning light filled the room with a calming tone, you could say it looked homely almost. It was around half six when one of the two married men decided to wake, wait where's Atsushi?

Was the whole of last night just a dream? He was lost in thought until there were clanking noises and the sound of glass smashing that could be heard throughout the house accompanying that was a scream then a cry, startling the other man from his sleep. They both look at each other then back at the door which was ajar and Kunikida now knew that the answer to his question is. No, last night was not a dream.

They leaped out of bed and ran down the hall to find Atsushi on the floor crying with cuts all over his hands and blood gushing out of them, there were about three broken glasses scattered across the floor around the cupboard they came out of. Kunikida would definitely be moving them later.

Dazai didn't seem to pay any attention to the mess and ran straight to Atsushi grasping his little hands gently to look at the cuts,the baby seemed to calm down at the sight of Dazai but his crying had yet to cease.

The blond sigh's, walking up to the broom and starting to clean the mess as his husband patched the baby up with some of his bandages from the bathroom.

Kunikida entered the bathroom to see Atsushi sitting on the countertop as Dazai cleaning his wounds and wrapping his hands hin thin layers of bandages, smaller than the ones his husband uses.

"Hey Love" he spoke quietly and calmly as to not set the already heightened sensory and anxiety.
"I think we should go and get little Atsushi-kun here some proper clothes, don't you agree?"

"Yes Osamu we can do that, but remember that we still have work today and a schedule to go by" as always, he can go on without mentioning his schedule's.

"Yes Doppo, I know, but it's around seven now and work doesn't start for another two hours. It we get dressed now we can get to the mall soon and get all the things we need for little Atsushi here, come home and get him dressed, and by then it should just be about time to get to work"

The other man took a deep breath and looked at the other with pure and utter calm in his gorgeous hazel eyes that Dazai loved so much.

"Yes Osamu, that sounds like a wonderful idea" Dazai smiled widely at his lover but after a second he got distracted by Atsushi making noises of contentment at the brunette for getting all his attention. Kunikida couldn't help the small chuckle that escaped his lips. God, he really does love this man.
And go shopping they did. They went to the mall and bought Atsushi all the things he would need. They bought an actual baby bed and other things like baby foods , then they went to look at clothes they thought would suit him, even let him pick some clothes himself. Then Dazai found something...

It was a tiger onesie, and better yet, it was for baby's!


"Dazai? Love? You okay?" The concern in his voice was clear as day.

"... Oh, my, GOD!" He was jumping up and down and squealing like a child at Christmas getting the present they really wanted. "DOPPO ITS PERFECT FOR HIM!" He had to take a moment to breathe or he feared he'd pass out from excitement "LOOK AT IT! IT'S A WHITE TIGER LIKE HIM!"

"Yes Love I can see that" when he looks back at his husband he had puppy dog eyes on while looking up through his eyelashes.

Baby AtsushiWhere stories live. Discover now