Well thats certainly shocking!

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The day was going on well in Dazais humble opinion, it was genuinely calm and everyone seemed happy,
Especially Atsushi.

He was looked so happy giggling and crawling around, they had made sure all sharp things were out of the way so he didn't get hurt. Everyone seemed to love him, Naomi and Kyoka were playing with him and showing him the different baby toys they had bought for him, Kenji would pick him up and run around, that made the little infant giggle and flap his arms in the air.

Even Ranpo seemed to like him, at one point it was just them because everyone else had to go do something and when they got back they saw Atsushi sitting in Ranpo's lap with a lollipop in his mouth.

Once he realised everyone was there his hid his face behind his hat and started blushing out of embarrassment, While everyone thought it was cute Kunikida was slightly upset at the fact that he was eating a hard candy and scolded Ranpo. 'Ranpo-san as much as I appreciate you looking after Atsushi-kun I don't think he would be eating lollipops and other hard sweets, his teeth haven't even come through properly yet!' Were his exact words.

Either way the day seemed to be going good, that was until no one could find Atsushi. At first no one realised he was gone, but once Dazai realised he wasn't with anyone in the room he got up and started to look for him on the floor 'I mean he a baby maybe he just crawled off to far'. But once he realised he wasn't in the main room is started frantically yelling out for him catching the attention of everyone in the room and everyone was helping look for him.

Dazai was pacing back and forth while muttering to himself, a nervous habit he got from being in the Mafia. It worried Kunikida because Dazai being nervous is doesn't usually happen, I mean it's not uncommon in his pattern of behaviours but it Certainly doesn't happen a lot.

He was mumbling something about the Port Mafia, and both Yosano and Kunikida could hear him faintly and both were extremely worried about him. The only person who didn't seem worried was Ranpo, and If any of them knew Ranpo they could tell he knew where Atsushi was.

"Why are you all worried? He's a baby he couldn't of got far" he spoke in the most nonchalant tone of voice that it was even able to shake Dazai out of trance and looked at him slowly with wide eyes.

"Ranpo... what do you know? Where's Atsushi?" He was more mad then anything know. He should've known, he should've know Ranpo knew something about it "What. Do. You. Know!"

Everyone in the room looking at him wide eyed, he'd never talked like that to any of them before but the great detective didn't seem to be bothered by it. He just sat up and folded his arms while a smile slowly shifted in his face.

"Oh I know where he is, he's completely safe" he paused for a moment. "But if it makes you feel better, I can take you to him"
+———An Hour Ago———+
Atsushi had managed to crawl through the open door that led to the corridor, maybe Tanazaki shouldn't have left that door open by mistake.

He crawled and crawled until he found a door labeled supply closet that was weirdly open, well let's just say Tanazaki didn't leave that door open. He crawled inside to find a tall man with grey hair and even darker grey eyes, it was the president. He looked somewhat shocked as he put the file he was holding away and slowly walked up to the small infant, once he got close enough so he realised who exactly this mysterious child was.

Atsushi started to cry as the much older man got a little to close to him, the other was startled and made the rash decision to try and calm him down by picking him up. That didn't seem to help as he started to cry harder while squeezing his eyes shut and make noises that were his attempt at saying 'Dada'.

Fukuzawa didn't exactly know what to do, he's never really felt with baby's before, so he did what he saw other people would do with baby's and rock him back and worth while cradling him. And surprisingly it was working, his crying seemed to slow down as he slowly opened his eyes to find steel grey ones on him.

The older man was looking down at him with compassion as his crying turned into sniffing, he lifted his hand and gently held the back of the infants head while stroking it lightly. The other seemed to like the attention as he started giggling and moving his arms around in joy, it brought a soft barley noticeable smile to the usually stern mans face, which made Atsushi giggling harder as he made noises of his happiness.
"Now how did you end up here little one? Did you get lost?" His voice a whisper as if people were watching them and he needed to tell an important secret. "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to keep you in my office until your parents come get you"

Atsushi seemed to like that as he smiled widely and started giggling again, it's not like Fukuzawa hasn't seen the security footage, he knows this Atsushi and knows that everyone is looking for him.

As they walked to Fukuzawa's office Atsushi had fallen asleep in his arms, it brought some sort of warmth to the man who most people if they didn't know him very well would call cold and heartless. But that couldn't be further from the truth, yes he is very stern and doesn't show much emotion, but he's not completely cold and he's certainly not heartless.
"Are you sure you know where he is Ranpo-san?" Kunikida was getting more and more concerned for Dazai as the minutes go on, they walked down the hallway that Ranpo had told them to go down.

"Why of course I do! I'm the greatest detective am I not?" He stopped and turned around to look at his coworkers, the blond signs and looked at him with a smile.

"Yes Ranpo-san you are the greatest detective, we'd be nowhere without you"

"Mhhmmmmmmm Fine! He's in the president's office" he smirked and started walking ahead of them.

They all looked at each other then started running down the hallway until they got to the president's office, once they were there Dazai slammed the door open and they all looked inside. What they found shocked them to no ends, it was Fukuzawa brushing Atsushi's hair as he sat in his lap while smiling and giggling.

The older man looked up at his employees and calmly said "can I help you all!"

Atsushi looked up as well and when he spotted Dazai and kunikida a big smile shot across his face as he started bouncing in Fukuzawa's lap and make grabby arms at them. The president got the gist as he got up and walked over to the two married men handing the overlay excited baby to them, Atsushi started nuzzling his face in Dazai's chest as he smiled and giggling happily, Dazai's mind finally stopped stressing so much as he held the small boy close while he talked to the president.

"Thank you again boss for looking after him" kuikida said while bowing his head to his superior as they got ready to leave.

"It really was no problem Kunikida, he was an angel" as much as it was out of character of him to like such mundane things like looking after small infants, he genuinely enjoyed taking care of Atsushi. "Hey kunikida, remember that you all have the next days off?" He paused "make sure to spend it with the people you love the most"

Kunikida was confused but agreed and said their goodbyes to everyone, he couldn't wait to get home and just relax with his two favourite people.

His insufferable coworker and husband, and the boy he cared for like a son. It was perfect, they were like an actual family, and that thought alone made his day.
Thank you for reading! I've been working on this for three days now and I'm not entirely proud of how this chapter turned out, but it's good enough in my eyes, word count  is 1391. I cried the second I got into school today due to the stress and the overstimulation of being in a crowded space, so obviously I didn't have the best day at school. Hopefully I'll be back in a better mood tomorrow but hey ho what can you do. As always, again thank you for reading, if you have any suggestions please do write them in the comments. Love you all!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 07, 2022 ⏰

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