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Rory groaned as she couldn't get comfortable and decided to ask Alex if she could sleep in his bed with him. She trusts him enough. "Alex?"


"Can I start sleeping in your bed with you? I can't get comfortable."

"Come here." He says causing her to walk over and lay down beside him. Alex put his arm around her causing her to look at him. "Sorry..."

"No. It feels good." She tells him. "No one hasn't held me like that in awhile."

"When do you need to go to the appointment?" Alex asked causing her to look at him.

"Sometime today. Let's get some more sleep and go to work."
At work, Rory was by the trash can throwing up as her sister walked over. "What are you hiding from me?" Izzy asked.

"I'm pregnant."


"Alex wants to be there for me." She says. "He has been there since that horrible day and he is supporting me and this baby."

"Does he want to raise the baby as his own?"

"I don't know." She says.
Rory covered her mouth as she was trying her best to not to throw up. "When's your appointment?" Izzy asked.

"Today and Alex said he will be there for the appointment."

Izzy stopped her sister causing Rory to look at her. "You like Alex."

"Of course I do, he's an amazing friend." She says till she looked at her sister who gave her a look. "Yes, I like him more than a friend. Because of him, I feel more like myself then before. Mark thought he ruined me, but he didn't." Rory saw Alex standing beside Burke and James. "He was there for me from day one, he wants to be there now for me and the baby."

"Then tell him how you feel." Izzy says.

Rory looked at Alex before walking away to get something to drink. She smiled as she grabbed a drink. Rory bit her lip as she remembered this morning. Alex wrapping his arms around her had her wanting to be back in his arms, but right now, he was working as she was. She'll talk to him later.
Rory was looking through a file at the desk when Bailey gave her and Izzy a file. "Bailey, I need to tell you something."

"What's that, Rory?"

"I'm pregnant."

Bailey hugged her. "If you need any help.."

"You can be there like Alex." She says. "I'm going to go with Izzy and check on the patient."
Rory looked at the man that is predicting the future. She looked at her sister who closed the curtain. "Wow." She says. "You really are a hand full. Let's get this over with."
Taking Mr. Duff to get an MRI. Rory heard her sister talking to him causing her to shake her head at how her sister can be. She decided to leave.
Alex smiled as he kissed her head making her smile. James and George were talking. "Are you ready for your appointment?"

Cristina looked at them. "Yeah. They just came to me and told me to come on in after I came and got you." She says.

Alex walked away with Rory as James looked at the redhead then George. "Have you called your mom?"

"The ultrasound will be her gift since Izzy is trying to fix cupcakes." She says as she looked at Alex. "Thank you."

"For what?"

"For being there for me and helping me heal." She tells him as she kissed him.

"Let's go see our baby."


"The baby is mine too." He tells her. "Let's go."
Rory smiled as she looked at half of the ultrasound as Alex took the other with him. She knew that he was over the moon. She pulled her phone out and called her mom. "Hey, mom. I have some news." She says. "I'm pregnant and I'm keeping the baby."

Izzy saw her on the phone and knew that she would need to talk to their mom too. Rory put her head against the wall thinking about Alex's reaction to seeing the ultrasound. She smiled as she had someone. "Mom, when the time comes, there is someone I want you to meet. He helped me through a lot." She says. "His name is Alex Karev and he makes me happy."
Alex was searching for something with James as George was questioning James. "I have one woman." Alex says. "And she's the only one that I want. Rory Stevens."

"How is she?" George asked.

"Morning sickness sucks, but..." he showed the ultrasound. "She's overjoyed about this baby."

Rory knew her sister was going to get herself in trouble. So, the blonde decided to go check on other patients. "James and I got kicked off the case."


"Went against Burke and didn't consult him." He says.

Rory grabbed his hand and dragged him into an empty room. They shared a look before they shared a kiss. "Are you okay with that?" Alex asked.

"Since that day, you have been helping me." She says. "Even when we found out about the baby." Rory put her hand on his cheek. "You were there when I needed someone."

Alex kissed her as he was happy that she was accepting him. They pulled back smiling. "Go to work and prove to Burke that you were finding other options." She says. "I believe in you."

"Thank you." He says kissing her. "Go eat."

Rory rolled her eyes as he ran off. She wondered if she never slept with Alex when they first met, would she still be doing things on her own. "Thank you God for that one night stand."
Rory sat watching Alex and James surgery. She was there for him like he was for her.
Rory sat with the others. Alex put his arm around Rory before she ran off to the trash can to throw up. "Have they given her anything for the morning sickness?" Meredith asked.

"Yeah, but she won't take it."

George watched Alex go after her as James went to leave causing him to grab James and get the condom out of his pocket.
Derek and Meredith saw Alex and Rory holding hands as they were leaving. She had her hand on her stomach as Cristina watched them. They shared a look and kissed one another. "Ready for a date?"

"Yes." She says. "Mom is happy about you and the baby."


"She says as long as he makes her sunshine happy, that's all that matters."

Alex put his arms around her. "Let's go eat."

"Let's go."

The Other Stevens-A Grey's Anatomy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now