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After that day, Rory lost trust in men and Alex was going to prove to her that he isn't like all men. She heard her phone ringing, she grabbed her phone. "Hello?"

"Hey, I brought you breakfast."

Rory walked over to her door with her phone in her hand. "Are you taking me to work, Alex?" She asked opening the door. "If so, then thank you."

Alex hung the phone up as she grabbed her bag. She shut her door and locked it. "What's wrong?" He asked as she sighed.

"I need to find a new place. This holds too many bad memories." She said. "Let's get to work."

Alex handed her breakfast as they went to his car. He knew she was still afraid, but she will be back to her normal self once again. Once she gets to know him.
Rory sat with the others watching the surgery. Hearing that her sister was throwing a party caused Rory to look at her. "Why shouldn't I be surprise?" She said. "Who is it for?"

Izzy didn't say a word causing the blonde to walk out to answer her pager.
Rory looked at the file in her hand. She saw Alex looking very agitated and walked away. Alex saw the blonde retreating and felt bad because he knew she became afraid of him. "I would never hurt, Rory."

"Than prove it." Derek tells him. "If you really care for her, prove it to her that she shouldn't be afraid of you."

Alex looked at the file in his hand and walked away. He needed to prove himself to Rory that she should never be afraid of him. He saw her with a patient smiling. She was talking to a child who's arm was getting ready to be taken out of the cast soon. He started thinking of ways to get her to see he is nothing like all those men. First friendship and he hopes for a relationship soon.
Sometime that day, Rory was working when Alex walked up behind her. "You, me, and dinner."

Rory looked at him with a smile. "Okay." She tells him. "I will only do this as I trust you. No one else."

"Good, baby."

Rory shook her head as he walked away. She heard her pager going off and went to answer it. When she got there, it was the little girl crying. "Is something wrong?"

"My arm hurts." She cried causing her to walk over to her.

"Can you show me?"

She showed the arm that had the cast on and saw it was off, but her arm looked like something else was wrong instead of it just being broke. "Let me go get an order for an x-ray and we will see what's bothering your daughter's arm." She tells the parents. "I'll be right back."

"Thank you, Dr. Stevens."

Rory looked at them with a smile. "Just Dr. Rory because I have a sister here too and she's a doctor."

They nodded as she left. Dr. Bailey smiled as she was very happy that Rory was managing to do everything by the book. She will make a good doctor.
Sitting at the table with Alex, Rory sat eating. "Rory, do you want to stay at my place till you find a new place?" He asked her. "I won't do anything. Promise."

Rory looked at him as she knew that he was telling the truth and she refused to go back to her old apartment. "Deal."
Rory was shocked as she sat beside Alex. "What is wrong?"

"Her arm needs surgery." She says looking at Alex. "That poor girl might lose her arm."

"Are you going to tell the family?"

Rory was helping Alex and Izzy. When Izzy was going to call the psych, Jerry stood up and started chasing her causing Alex to move her to the side as Jerry fell. "That's one hard hit." She tells them.

Alex looked to see if he was conscious. "Get Dr. Shepherd." Alex tells Izzy.
The three of them stayed for the brain surgery as Jerry has a bleed to his brain. Alex didn't say a word as Rry helped with the surgery and listened to Derek. She looked at Alex as he was doing a good job.

After surgery, Izzy left as Rory waited for Alex. "Ready?"

"Yeah." She said as they started leaving. "Let's get some food and a drink. We deserve it."

"That we do." Alex says.
The next day, Rory was happy that her patient was okay. Alex walked up behind her as she saw another colleague go to Izzy. "Who is he?"

"He's new and picks on your sister like I do, but mostly you." He says. "Did you sleep good on the couch."

"I slept good." She tells him. "Thank you for letting me stay with you."

"Sorry you missed..."

"Nope. I didn't miss anything." She tells him. "I love my life like it is and I have me a wonderful friend who is helping me heal. Thanks, Alex."

"Let's get to work, Dr. Beautiful."

Izzy smiled as she watched her sister and Alex go to work. "It won't be long till she gets with Alex." She says smiling. "I can't wait."

The Other Stevens-A Grey's Anatomy StoryWhere stories live. Discover now