The universe above me

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And here comes my second Hetalia/CaW-crossover and it's a songfic again!

The song that inspired me:
Amaral - El universo sobre mí

Ya he tenido suficiente
(Now I've had enough)

Necesito alguien que comprenda
(I need someone who understands)

Que estoy sola en medio de un montón de gente
(that I'm all alone in a large crowd)

¿Qué puedo hacer?
(What can I do?)

White blood Cell I-1703 walked, frowning and alone like always, through the left superior vena cava. He just came from an exhausting fight against bacteria and was now covered with their cytosol from head to toe. Putting his dirty sword back on his belt while walking, he wiped off the last remains of the germs he phagocytized from his mouth with his other hand.

All cells that crossed his path, evaded and kept a considerable distance from him. Certainly, his current appearance had something to do with it, but even in other times they didn't behave differently, because most non-immune cells feared neutrophils like him who were considered cruel and merciless killers dressed in white. But in his case, even most of his fellow immune cells preferred to give him a wide berth and to avoid interacting with him.

With the leucocyte who always had a stony expression on his face and never smiled.

I-1703 didn't even remember himself when he had smiled for the last time, and had no clue if he was still able to do it in the first place. Probably not. Not after that incident. The incident that had proved irrevocably what a failure he was. A failure who didn't deserve to smile and to find himself a place in the universe above him. Whose fate was to spend all of his life in solitude, until the bitter end.

The leucocyte looked at the sky and frowned even more, pressing his arm soaked in red fluid to his eyes to hold back the tears that wanted to flow out at the memory of that one fatal day. Of that disastrous day, on which he had sealed his heart with a giant padlock and thrown away the key. The pain tormented him, never leaving his side. Like an enormous rock tied to his leg with an iron chain that he had to drag with him wherever he went, day and night.

Back then, it had actually been just a normal fight against bacteria, as normal as the one today was. But then it turned out that the enemy was way stronger than they thought, and the neutrophils who fought on that day, almost got to the limits of their powers. Though they did win at the end, casualties in their own ranks couldn't be avoided. And one of them was the one he called a brother during all his life.

I-0317. A neutrophil he'd grown up together with and who resembled him like a twin: the same face, the same physical build, a similar name and even the same unruly curl that stuck out of his hair, just to the side and not upwards like his own did.

They had been inseparable since birth and although the other one often really got on his nerves with his constant cheerfulness, I-1703 couldn't deny that he loved that childish and silly, but at the same time very strong idiot with all his heart. As children playmates and as adults companions in arms. Two cells who shared together good and bad times and understood each other even without words.

Like real brothers, like twins. But it seemed that destiny had other plans.

"I wasn't able to protect him..."

Before his very eyes, his brother was perforated and killed by one of the bacteria. Everything happened so fast that he couldn't react nor even move. The monster's sting pierced through his chest and came out of his back. Staring at the wound in disbelief, I-0317 vomited blood and collapsed, meeting his end. His little brother was no more. And I-1703 himself felt as if someone had ripped his mitochondria out of his body.

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