the morning after the night before

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*Bigby's POV*
I rolled over, noticing something different about the bed, the blankets next to me cold...and abandoned. I sat up with a start, sudden panic coursing through me like getting caught in a sudden downpour. I inhaled deeply, hoping my senses were playing tricks on me, but no-
She was gone.

I sat back against the headboard with a sigh. Damn. I didn't think we had overslept, but the digital clock on the nightstand read 5:17 in an unfair glint. I guess she had gone to her apartment early to get ready for the day. Or maybe she had been uncomfortable around me, like maybe this had been too much too fast-
My eyes narrowed suddenly, darting around the bed, momentarily distracted from my spiraling anxieties.

Wait a second....Where the hell did my shirt go?
I knew for sure I had left it hanging off the bed frame, behind where she had been sleeping, but now it was gone. I peered over the mattress, expecting to find it on the floor but just like a certain someone who had also been sharing the bed with me, it had disappeared. I sighed. Great. Now I had to do laundry after falling victim to an apparent one-night-stand. Just how I had wanted my morning to go, exactly how I expected it too, why the hell would I have even thought it would go differently because I actually slept with my-
Growling quietly, I swallowed my frustration. Whatever. At least last night was what it was.

In spite of the situation, i smirked, running my hand through my hair. Last night...
Yes, we had only slept together. Yes, it was only because she had misplaced her keys and we were too damned tired to tear up the office looking for them.
Even though she found her keys in one of her coat pockets but at that point we already made it up here and YES we were only sharing my bed because she couldn't refuse my offer because it was really courteous of me and she genuinely appreciated my help but she would probably have to get up early and go to work which I of course said was fine but HOLY SHIT I did not ever want to let go of her when she had curled up next to me and pulled my arm over her to keep her warm and her hair was kind of all in my face and it was amazing and just oh my GOD I had no idea she was so fucking SOFT-

I shook my head, knowing these ridiculous reveries were going to keep me stuck in my had all day if I didn't start ignoring them and get started on my day. I sighed, rolling over to climb out of bed. I knew I couldn't even pretend to ignore it if I tried. How I have been able to for all this time, I couldn't even begin to tell you.

My feet hit the floor and almost in the exact same moment, I heard the door click open. My heart leapt, knowing exactly who it was even before she had opened the door, as if she even needed permission. I couldn't help grinning as I heard her walk through the kitchen, noticing her light footsteps, no doubt thinking I was still asleep.
She came back. She came back. She came back!

Quickly I laid back down, rolling over so she hopefully couldn't tell I was awake. My heart pounded, I felt silly as hell, but I shut my eyes as I heard her cautiously open the bedroom door, obviously taking care not to wake me. I felt her climb back in bed, but she didn't lay down.
"Hey...I'm back," she murmured, and I felt her hand on my shoulder, resting upon me gently. "Hope you didn't miss me too much."

God, how could I just KNOW she knew I had been waiting for her? I can hear it in her tone, all too smug and knowing, I just know she's giving me that smirk-
I turned over and looked up, and was greeted by that damn smile, the one that always ALWAYS made me melt inside, I mean they all did but this one especially because I had never received it in...this kind of situation. Her hair was loose, hanging in messy slept-in waves over her shoulders, and I felt like an idiot for not guessing that's where my shirt had gone, noticing how big it was on her, I knew I was much larger than her but still she was just so small and soft it just blew my mind I got to see this side of her-

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