bathroom horror story

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im fucking traumatized from this experience so why not share it on here yippee!!!1!!11!!1!!!!!1!!!1111

ok so it was lunch time, i was casually eating my sandwich until i felt the need to take a FAT PISS.

my friend was in the bathroom so i had to wait for a bit, but after she was in the bathroom for so damn long i just decided to go

now before i continue, please understand that my school shares a building with a public school, meaning that i had to go to the public school bathroom during lunch (uh oh)

so i go to the bathroom yada yada, my friend is there, i goof around and i got into a stall


big, small. brown, red, any shape, any size. THEY WERE EVERYWHERE. i quickly went into the next stall and what do you know, a dump the size of a tennis ball just floating around (plus more shit stains wow cool yeah).

i full on usain bolt ran out of there, my friend was still washing her hands

i was so scared that i started praying, and my friend asked whats wrong. i pointed to the bathroom door and when she saw it, i could tell she was shocked.

i ended up having to use the shit stain bathroom (very cautiously i dont wanna get any type of viral syndrome again that shit crippled me)

end of bathroom horror story yippee!!! i guess be cautious around school bathrooms or something

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