11 | naïve boy

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          "You imbecile!"

I huff loudly in frustration at the wide-eyed, bewildered Duke, with fist clenched tightly unto the obsolete fabric of the humble robe I was once adorned in the morning of my rescue from my aged captor. Both Simon and Will breathe heavily from the recent spar; no words nor looks conveyed between the heaving fellows since my hurried appearance on the property. Disappointment is undoubtedly heavy in my mind as I stare daggers at the man in question, my heart pumping harshly against my ribs from the discoveries encountered merely hours ago. 

"Can this carriage not go any fast—"

"Vasilia," my brother quickly interrupts, his gaze firm as he shifts his attention from the window to me, lips tights with bushy brows knitted tiredly. His facade eventually softens from its agitated appearance once he recognizes the troubled look I sported, sighing as he slowly encased my right gloved hand into his to rub my knuckles, "This sort of predicament only solves among family members, not including outsiders such as ourselves. However, I view Anthony as my brother, perhaps not by blood but through soul—do not forget that. As soon as we arrive at the Bridgerton household, let us carefully evaluate the situation and propose the most suitable resolution."

Biting into the plush of my lower lip, I only nod mutedly to indicate my acknowledgement, gripping Matvey's hand softly before looking at the passing residences through the window. It appears the Bridgerton family cannot rest for a second. Anthony had once impulsively desired a duel, Daphne situated in a neglectful marriage, and now, poor Colin Bridgerton roped into a scandal with a woman he loves. Marina Thompson, a beautiful young woman living with the Featheringtons, was exposed by Lady Whistledown of a pregnancy following a secret relationship and was using Colin for her wellbeing. Though, can we certainly blame the young woman? She is in a predicament of her own—her execution may have been relatively poor and sly—but I want to believe she attempted to secure a comfortable life for herself and her unborn child without dishonour. Especially with the Ton and Lady Whistledown eyeing every perfect candidate to humiliate and shred apart, I have learned that it is challenging to live a carefree life, and some deception is required to achieve the utmost comfort in life.

"We arrived, Your Imperial Highnesses."

My mind suddenly clears from the thoughts that clouded my mind, senses having unconsciously drifted deeper into my head than actuality. My eyes blink feverishly when the chauffeur's announcement upon our arrival rings through my ears. Matvey lightly tugs my hand as he aids me in descending the short stairs, and once reaching the bottom, he mutters quietly between us, "You ought to act carefully in front of the Bridgerton family—yours and Anthony's relationship is still a secret."

"I understand. You mustn't worry, brother," I give a firm nod, and he returns a similar motion.

It was not long before we found ourselves by a drawing room, doors gaped wide open for Matvey to stride towards Anthony. I close the double doors behind me as the two gentlemen quickly fall into their bubble of hushed interaction, with Anthony oftentimes glancing toward me—my brother smoothly shifts his body to block his view.

I shift my attention to the Dowager Viscountess, Violet Bridgerton, the woman I have heard many high praises of from her eldest. Inwardly, I attempt to contain my jittering nerves as I step closer to my lover's mother and bow slightly, "Lady Bridgerton, I apologize for barging into your estate unannounced. I wish we could have met under better circumstances."

She bows before my presence before conveying a tight-lipped smile, "Indeed, Your Imperial Highness, the circumstances are undeniably unpleasant. However, I am still grateful and honoured that yourself and His Imperial Highness rushed to our aid."

"Please, just call me Vasilia," From the corners of my eye, I notice Anthony peaking over my brother's shoulder, "Is there any way we can relieve the tension of this situation."

Lady Bridgerton lightly shook her head, seeming more comfortable with my company, "I truly appreciate your concern, but we would not want to involve as many individuals in our case. We decided that Daphne may be the answer to all of our problems."

"Ah, of course, having the favour of the Duke and Duchess ought to cease all the whispers," I added as Daphne shuffled towards us, bowing elegantly before me, when I noticed Simon's and Colin's lack of presence. Moreover, she did not hold the lustre of a happy wife after a honeymoon.  

"Your Imperial Highness," she speaks in a courteous manner, eyes gleaming with uncertainty, "if you may, I would very much like to speak to you privately."

Her mother looks at her in question but makes no gesture to halt her daughter's unexpected request. She still has questions from the night Anthony and I caught them—I conclude—thus heed her request and nod in response, "Of course, lead the way."

She ushers me to her bedroom upstairs, assuming it is hers, locking the door before guiding me to sit on her velvet mauve bedroom bench with her, keeping a modest distance between us.

She lets out a sapped sigh, timidly looking at me through her soft blond lashes after a moment of silence, "Forgive me if I may be so blunt, but— what is your relationship with the Duke and my brother, Your Imperial Highness?"

"What I am about to say is to stay between us," I begin as I quietly examine our laps, my fingers calmly interlaced with each other as hers fidget with her dark blue silk dress, "I will trust you not to share with anyone what I am to say to you."

"And I will only do so if you tell me about your situation."

Her eyebrows scrunched at my words, "I do not follow— my situation?"

I bob in affirmation, "Yes, Simon had done, or perhaps, said something to upset you. I will happily give this stubborn boy an earful in your stead."

Her lower lips immediately quiver, eyes gradually glistening with tears as I envelop her trembling hands between mine. You can imagine my disappointment upon hearing her sob profoundly regarding the Duke's treatment she bore by herself. Though unanticipated, our exchange was fruitful; trust and reliability built along our newfound friendship.

Once departed from the Bridgerton estate, I wasted no time finding the Duke in question— and indeed, the naïve boy received quite the earful.

| to be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 10, 2023 ⏰

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