ch. VIㅤ- unhibitedly

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Fujiwara tricks Uncle Kouzuki into letting him smoke the mercury infused cigarettes. The cellar doesn't have any windows, so gaseous mercury poisons them both and as their body slumps to the floor.


The film ends with Izumi and Sook-hee, happily making love to each other in their new found freedom. The smiles on their faces showing that they have finally achieved peace and serenity.

The last scenes of the couple start to fade out as the end credits are shown into the screen. Lisa has an astonished look in her face as she gives a round of applause, only to be disappointed when she looks to her left to see her bestfriend's reaction.

"Yah, Chaeng. Are you even watching?"

The blonde hums, unfazed as she continues on typing away on her phone. Lisa whines in annoyance since her excitement about the movie wasn't reciprocated.

"Chaengie.... Chaeng-ah...!"

The Thai starts to annoy her as usual by laying her head on her lap. Looking up at her as she still maintained her focused expression on her device. Eyebrows furrowed and fingers rapidly tapping on the screen.


Lisa doesn't fail to notice the small smile playing on her lips though. Curiosity starts to get the better of her as she snatches the phone without thinking, jumping out of the couch and out of reach.

"Yah! wait- Lalisa!"

The woman shrieks and bolts as soon as Chaeyoung started running towards her. Her cats totally unbothered with the chaos happening as if this was a normal, daily occurence. The two chased each other around Lisa's dorm, their high pitched screams overpowering the noise of someone entering their unit.

A certain brunette lightly kicks the door for it to open and steps a foot inside, with bags of takeouts and drinks in her hands. "Hi! me and Kuma brought food."

Jennie sees them both wrestling each other on the floor and rolls her eyes, "You two need to cut it out, I could hear you both outside the unit!"

Chaeyoung shrieks as she reaches out a hand as if she was asking for help, the current position she was under Lisa due to her being stronger than her. "Unnie! Help me please!"

She had her phone out for Jennie to take but the Maknae quickly gave her a look to team up.

Unfortunately for the blonde, Jennie snatches it and Lisa cheers. Chaeyoung slumps her body groaning in defeat. The shorter woman swiftly sits on the couch as she was about to read the text out loud.

A brief silence passes by as Jennie switches to five different facial expressions in a span of ten seconds. "What, What does it say?" Lisa lets go of the defeated blonde's arm as she scrambles to take a peek of the convo, eyes scanning through the text.

"Oh my God."

"Chaeng-ah.. what is this?!"

The blush on the woman's face doesn't go unnoticed as she stands up from her position. She takes her phone back to see if an accidental text was sent, unbothered with the Rapline duo hovering over her with teasing remarks going in from one ear to another.

"I didn't know our little innocent Chaengie had this much game!" says her bestfriend with a baby voice, pinching her cheeks.

"How good my game is none of your business!" The blonde had a flushed face with red tint forming on her cheeks.

"What do you mean, we're practically siblings but not biologically. My sister from another mister, my brother from another mother, my ride or die from another vagin-"

"-Okay, that's enough.." Jennie winces from the kitchen as she was preparing their instant dinner.

"Pfft, okay well why don't I get to know what happens with your lovelife then?" Chaeyoung retorts as Lisa pulls back.

"Because I don't have one!"

"Nonsense, yes you do." She insists.

"I don't, I only have my babies as the loves of my life." Lisa says in a baby voice and moves to the closest cat Louis as she snuggles into his soft white fur.

The blonde catches her phone in the corner of her eye, "So you wouldn't mind if I..."


The two goes into another round of wrestling again but with Lisa's phone instead. Jennie groans as she took a mental note to bring earplugs the next time she visits her member's dorm. She then sends a quick text to their oldest saying that the movie marathon was about to start soon.

The woman huffs as she walks through the hallways, today has been a very eventful Saturday for her. Instead of resting, she had to film additional scenes for her drama and had to attend a Dior photoshoot for their upcoming product release.

The girls urged her to hangout since they haven't seen her in a while due to her hectic schedule. She stops at the Thai's designated room number and fumbles around her bag to search for the extra keys. The both of them decided to give each other keys to their unit so the other can crash any time they want.

"Nyeongan, I'm here!"

It was unusually quiet so her eyes scanned the room, the light was dim and she could hear Chaeyoung snoozing a bit. She took a peek at the bedroom and snorted at the sight of Jennie basically hogging all the blankets for warmth. A pout forms on her lips, realizing that it was already midnight and she missed binge watching the show Mine with them.

Jisoo sets down her stuff on the corner as she smoothly walks towards the bathroom to do her night routine, throwing on an oversized graphic shirt with cotton shorts underneath. As soon as she was done she steps out the room and hears soft background noise coming from the television, she spots Lisa laying down in the sofa with Lily wrapped around her arms, her lips parting a little bit as she lets out tiny snores.

The Korean takes this opportunity to pull out her phone take a quick photo of the two, smiling due to how cute they looked. She must've fallen asleep while waiting for me to join her. She thought.

She slowly takes Lily out of her arms and bends down to put her on the floor for her to sleep without restraint. "Lisa-yah."

Jisoo whispers as she shakes her arm softly. She calls her name again, and Lisa groans in response. "Lisa-yah, you should move to the bed.. its more comfortable there."

The Thai unconciously scratches her cheek as if something was bothering her. With one last shake on the arm, Jisoo yelps as she was unexpectedly pulled on the couch to lay down.

The raven haired woman tries to get out of her grip but her arms were tightly wrapped around her as if she was a pillow. "Lisaaa," she whisper-yells. Jisoo was on top of her body, as Lisa cuddled her, both of her arms resting on her shoulders at the moment due to how limited the space was.

She looks up at Lisa and decides not to attempt on waking her up any more. She was sleeping very soundly and peacefully, her eyelashes fluttered as her chest rises from time to time. Jisoo could practically feel the younger's heartbeat. The Korean notices the close proximity between them, seeing Lisa's features up close.

Jisoo's face flushes, her body relaxes as she rests her head on her chest. She sighs in relief, too tired to even escape Lisa's sudden snuggle.

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