ch.VIIㅤ- daylight

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"Zzz... zzz..."

The sun rays peeking in from the blinds perfectly illuminated the Thai's side profile. The woman from above her leaned both of her arms on the sides of her torso for support. Watching as her chest heaved up in down into a rhythm as little snores came out of her, at this point she looked too at peace for Jisoo to wake up.

Partly because Lisa's hold on her waist prevented her from moving even an inch off the couch.

The rest of the girls left early to their own apartments to get ready for their promotions this afternoon. They were supposed to film an interview with Vogue about the release of their first full album. Jisoo tugs the corner of her lips upwards as the younger shifts beneath her, eyes slowly fluttering open and adjusting to the light.

Lisa blinks a few times, her vision slowly recognizing a familiar angel smiling intently at her.


A faint blush creeps up on her cheeks seeing the older woman snuggled up against her. It suddenly registered in her brain the unusual skinship they've shared... possibly the whole night? sure they hug alot and hold hands, but it never got to the point of being in eachother's embrace, especially for a long period of time. It's mostly Lisa initiating and Jisoo putting up with it through their years of being together, she's surprised she hasn't playfully pushed her away yet.

A snicker and a slap to her shoulder pulls her out of her thoughts, "Go freshen up. We need to get ready for later." Jisoo pushes herself up, attempting to get off of the woman.

"Awww, Jisoo-unnie~ were we cuddling the whole time yesterday?" Lisa brings her back down by her petite waist as she annoyingly nuzzles her face against her raven hair.

"Pabo. You were the one who pulled me with you as if I was your pillow-Be honest, were you even asleep that time?" Jisoo squints up at her with a light hearted glare, raising a not so threatening hand up to smack her.

"Maybe, or maybe not." She teases her in english, referring to her iconic phrase on one of the lives they did together. Lisa hugged her more as if they weren't close enough already. "Just admit that you missed me Soo-yah it's okay. We should cuddle like this more often don't you think?"

It's no surprise how busy and conscientious the newly debuted Actress worked these past few weeks, and she was only able to meet her members today due to their comeback promotions. Lisa sulked the whole time yesterday since they haven't seen each other in days, and now she's taking advantage of the moment she woke up this morning with a surprise in her arms.

Jisoo rolls her eyes playfully, as she finally got off of Lisa. The flushed face she tries to hide as she heads to the other side of the apartment doesn't go unnoticed. "Say, why don't we film another vlog together?" The younger randomly blurts out.

The Korean hums and faces her, "Hmm, what for?"

"Just you and me, in Jeju." Lisa leans on her elbows for support as she watches how the older lightens up to the mention of Jeju island, they've been wanting to visit the spot together for a while now but she couldn't due to their hectic schedules.

"Sounds good! It's a date then."

"A date?"

Jisoo munches on the toast she just made, "Mhm, isn't that what we always do?"

Lisa goofily smiles at the sudden change of vocabulary from the older. She sighs in content, "Okay, it's a date."

"Oh and you have to treat me by the way since you asked." Jisoo nonchalantly adds earning an immediate groan from the woman.

"Why do I always have to pay? you're just as well-off as I am!" She dramatically objects.

The actress leans on kitchen the counter, smirking at her. "You have to, or else you won't be getting a kiss in the end of the day. It's the dating etiquette, deal with it."

Lisa shortly perks up at a certain word then slumps down, "If I do you better stick to your word." She mumbles with a hint of hope laced in her voice in which Jisoo responded to with a giggle, she really knows her ways in how to get around the Maknae.

After a few minutes of the two talking about group related activities and rehearsals, Lisa's phone suddenly dinged. Her eyes beamed since it was a notification from her bestfriend BamBam who she hasn't hung out with in a long time. For a moment she started to become confused with the message he sent her, it certainly isn't one you'd expect from someone you haven't seen in months.

'We need to talk.'

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