I 06 I Troublesome First Day

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The train eventually came to a stop at the station with a loud screech. Alexander felt relieved. He wanted to get out of the tight, stuffy compartment and felt safer with the cold breeze on his face. It seemed the other students thought the same because there was a scramble to get outside; owls hooted while cats meowed, and feet scuffled.

Outside was freezing, and Alexander wrapped his cloak tighter with a slight shiver. Rain was driving down in icy sheets. Hagrid's familiar voice came from a distance, shouting for the first years.

Alexander was struck by a pressing thought. He stood uncertainly as other students went past him, grumbling about the cold or chattering their teeth. They looked confident enough in their brisk movements while Alexander stuck out like a sore thumb. He was horribly aware that he didn't know how to get to the castle. Last year he came in a flying car and a boat before that. He couldn't spot anyone from his year. Should he just follow the others?

A gentle brush came from behind him as Helen stepped off the train and locked one arm into his. He turned his head to meet her grinning gaze.

"Come on," she laughed lightly. "I thought you looked a bit lost."

Helen locked her other arm into Nia's and pushed her closer to her side. Nia rolled her eyes fondly but didn't protest.

Alexander flushed at being caught. "Thanks."

Helen dragged them along with the others; they trod across a rough mud track to where dozens of stagecoaches awaited. The three grabbed a nearby one and sat down just as the coach set off, bumping and swaying. The inside was warmer but there was a faint, unpleasant scent of mould.

Nia scrunched up her face. "Urgh," she groaned. "I forgot how awful it smelled. I don't think they ever clean it."

"Gross," said Alexander, his stomach clenching.

He didn't breathe properly for the rest of the journey. He felt the pangs of hunger eat away at him. Helen caught his eye and secretly smiled. A thrill shot through him at how close she was to him in an enclosed space.

They arrived at the gate and a dull coldness shot through him. Alexander peered out of the window and saw two towering, hooded Dementors standing guard on stone columns. The feeling wasn't as intense as before when he was staring straight at it. Yet, still...

He cringed and sank far back from the window, turning his head to the side. Those were some nasty creatures and he hoped they wouldn't be a common occurrence.

At last, the carriage swayed to a halt. Nia hurried out first, claiming she couldn't stand the smell anymore. Alexander followed and turned to offer a hand to Helen.

"Thank you, Alex," she smiled.

"You're welcome."

They went through the large oak doors and followed the other students towards the Great Hall. Nia and Helen broke off for their respective tables.

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