I 07 I Fear

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Alexander's thoughts consumed him. Once he was stuck on an idea or situation, he obsessed over it constantly, replaying it over and over in his mind. It was part of his nature and often caused him to become quiet, with a tiny scrunch visible on his brow. Eliot thought it wasn't good to shut his thoughts and ideas up like that.

Alexander caught himself thinking about his upcoming Hogsmeade outing with Helen. He was distracted in his lessons, and Ron had to nudge him slightly when McGonagall was staring at him with an unimpressed, stern look. Alexander had felt embarrassed as Ron snickered quietly.

Right now, all he could focus on was Helen, especially when they shared secret smiles when passing each other in the corridors. His stomach whirled and he couldn't tell whether he was about to throw up or jump for joy. Physically, he probably didn't look any different, but Alexander was panicking on the inside.

Helen had said date, right? But had she meant date date or like friend date? Was there even a difference? Alexander's thoughts took a turn for the worse. He didn't know what to do or how he was supposed to act on dates. Wait. He gulped nervously. Did she expect him to kiss her? But what if he had this all terribly wrong and they were merely going out with friends? He'd never face it down.

Eliot had told him to be polite and respectful and always listen to girls when they're talking. Perhaps he should write to him for some needed advice. He could do with some right now.

At the other end of the corridor, Alexander spotted a lost and mystified Sullivan Fawley as he walked with another shorted-haired boy next to him.

Sullivan glanced up and turned relieved as his gaze landed on Alexander. It turned out that the two first-years had been lost while searching for the classroom with McGonagall. Alexander grimaced, knowing the Professor wouldn't be too happy. He pointed out the right direction and earned and toothy grin and smiling thanks from Sullivan. The other boy stood silently in awe of his friend. Alexander heard him whisper to Sullivan as they walked off.

"Woah, how come you never mentioned that you knew him before -" hissed the other boy, his voice trailing as they disappeared. Alexander didn't hear Sullivan's response.

∞ ϟ 9¾

Today was Alexander's first day for Ancient Ruins. He was curious about this subject and had briefly scanned the overview, eager to know more. The class was taught by Professor Bathsheba Babbling in classroom 6A. She had a soft face and kind eyes that sparkled when she talked about her knowledge; she did tend to ramble at times, but Alexander found her warmly pleasant.

The first lesson mostly introduced them to the subject and explained the importance of studying runic scriptures.

"For the next few weeks, you'll be translating some basic runes but only after you have come to grips with the different symbols and runes," said Professor Babbling with a smile. "It won't be easy but I'm sure with a little hard work, you'll all be able to breeze through."

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