Its a one shot lol

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  Chuuya sighed as he entered the boss' office. It had been a long day and he was prepared for Dazai's teasing and nagging to make it even longer.
  To his surprise, Dazai was face-down in the papers on his desk.
  Chuuya rushed over, immediately checking his pulse. He was relieved to find Dazai alive and was about to give him an earful for scaring him like that. Then, he realized that Dazai was completely asleep.
  Chuuya shook his head as he took hold of Dazai's shoulder and jostled him.
  Dazai groaned as he woke up. He turned his face to look at Chuuya with bleary eyes. He leaned back in his chair and closed his eyes again.
  Chuuya grabbed his arm, "come on, you can't sleep in here."
  Dazai frowned as he mumbled, "the whole point of being in charge is that I get to make the rules... why can't I sleep wherever I want..."
  Chuuya sighed, "seriously? Wouldn't you rather sleep somewhere more comfortable?"
  Dazai didn't respond, breathing through his mouth.
  Chuuya almost smiled. He hadn't seen Dazai so exhausted before. He pulled Dazai up to stand, "at least get in bed."
  Dazai breathed out deeply as he listed from side to side, "mhm..."
  "Are you even listening?"
  "Hmm?... Mm... mnhm..."
  "What in the world made you so tired?" Chuuya asked, beginning to smile. This was quite funny, actually. He stood beside Dazai and linked arms with him to keep him stabilized.
  Dazai leaned against him, sighing quietly.
  "Hey, don't go to sleep on me!" Chuuya shook him, "we still have to walk."
  Dazai inhaled and exhaled deeply, blinking slowly.
  "If you won't walk, yourself, I'll have to carry you."
  Dazai didn't seem to be processing anything.
  "Wouldn't you hate that? It'd be horrible for your image, no doubt. The big bad mafia boss being carried like a princess by his number two?" Chuuya shook him again.
  Dazai nodded absently, slumping over.
  Chuuya shook his head, chuckling. "What happened to you?
  Chuuya managed to lead Dazai to one of his on-site rooms. He hadn't realized how often Dazai used them... Now that he thought about it, Dazai never seemed to leave the building unless it was for business...
  Chuuya flicked the light on and Dazai seethed at the brightness.
  "Come on, off to bed you go," Chuuya pushed him in. He noticed how tidy it was. He would have expected Dazai to be a slob when he wasn't working, then again he was always working...
  Dazai staggered forward and swayed as he stood in front of his bed. He shook his shoulders so that his coat would fall off. Then, he fell face-first onto his bed.
  Chuuya snorted, "seriously? You're that tired?" He closed the door quietly.
  Dazai mumbled more nonsense, sighing.
  Chuuya chuckled as he pulled up a chair beside the bed.
  Dazai sluggishly crawled under the covers, facing Chuuya. His one visible eye was red and irritated as he forced it to stay open.
  Chuuya leaned back in his chair, getting comfortable. "You're going to hate yourself when you wake up wearing that."
  Dazai frowned, sloppily taking his tie off and weakly throwing it in Chuuya's direction. That seemed to be the extent of his energy. He crawled back under his blankets.
  Chuuya caught it and set it on the bedside table before getting up to hang Dazai's coat.
  Dazai's eye was slowly weighed down until he couldn't hold it open anymore.
  Chuuya smiled to himself, thinking this was probably the closest Dazai had ever been to falling asleep at a reasonable time. It was around 1:15 AM.
  He sat back down in the chair.
  Dazai mumbled something incoherent.
  "Hm? What?" Chuuya leaned forward.
  Dazai poked his head out from under the covers, "... you can go..."
  Chuuya chuckled, "and leave you unprotected and unsupervised? I don't think so."
  "Hey, I'm an adult..."
  "Barely," Chuuya scoffed. "And a suicidal one, at that."
  Dazai just groaned again.
  Chuuya sighed quietly, leaning his elbows on his knees, "you know, we all worry about you..."
  Dazai seemed to have finally passed out.
  "This sounds hypocritical, but you're too young for this..." Chuuya spoke quietly.
  After a few moments of silence Chuuya stood up and walked into the adjoining bathroom. He came back out with a few rolls of bandages in his hands.
  Chuuya sighed to himself as he sat back down and scooted his chair closer to the bed. Close enough that his knees pressed against the mattress.
  He moved the blankets and took Dazai's arm.
  Dazai immediately opened his eye, pulling his arm back violently.
  Chuuya held on fast.
  Dazai stared at him, then he turned his face into the pillow, tugging at his arm.
  Chuuya just shook his head. He unbuttoned Dazai's sleeve and rolled it up his arm.
  Dazai looked back over, his expression tired and unreadable.
  Chuuya took the clasp off of Dazai's bandages and started unwinding them.
  Dazai groaned softly in annoyance as he closed his eyes tightly, as if he were in pain.
  Chuuya hesitated for a moment, did Dazai really hate this so much? But he also knew Dazai was a good actor.
  He continued taking off the bandages until Dazai's arm was bare. Chuuya repressed the urge to sigh again. He still couldn't understand why Dazai continued to get hurt when he claimed to hate pain.
  Dazai slunk his arm back once Chuuya wasn't holding onto it tightly.
  Now Chuuya sighed. "I'm not done," he held his hand out.
  Dazai curled in on himself, shaking his head and mumbling.
  Chuuya stood and took hold of his shoulder, "I'm not letting you go to sleep covered in gross bandages that probably haven't been washed in a month."
  Dazai rubbed his exposed wrist, refusing to look up at Chuuya.
  "You're such a baby sometimes," Chuuya said under his breath. He sat down beside Dazai, "pretty please?"
  Dazai grumbled something about that being his only weakness.
  Chuuya snorted as he gently took Dazai's arm into his hands. He paused, wondering why Dazai almost never took his bandages off. Didn't his arms get claustrophobic?
  Dazai finally looked over at Chuuya. Why was he just staring at his arm?... Dazai didn't like it. He opened and closed his hand a few times to get Chuuya's attention.
  Chuuya was snapped out of his thoughts. He shook his head and put his hand in Dazai's grasp.
  Dazai frowned. That wasn't what he wanted. He wanted his layer of protection back. That being his bandages.
  Chuuya held Dazai's hand tightly, like he was about to ask a heavy question.
  Dazai didn't want that. He just wanted to go to sleep...
  Chuuya let out a sigh as he reached over and grabbed a roll. He let go of Dazai's arm, which fell limply against Chuuya's legs, as he started unwinding it.
  Chuuya put the clasp partway in his mouth as he picked up Dazai's arm again. He scooted closer, sliding his hands up to Dazai's forearm and beginning wrap him up.
  Dazai expected Chuuya to do this in a violent and begrudging manner, but he was being surprisingly precise about it. If Dazai had any open wounds, he had the thought that Chuuya would have treated them, too...
  "Enjoy your room service while it lasts," Chuuya said, catching Dazai staring.
  Dazai was thoroughly exhausted. So exhausted, in fact, that he didn't have an annoying quip to say back.
  Chuuya took the clasp from his mouth and closed the bandages.
  Dazai heaved a tired sigh, closing his eyes again.
  Chuuya put his arm down, "alright, roll over."
  Dazai groaned, refusing to move.
  "Come on," Chuuya jostled his shoulder, "just move a little bit."
  "Mm-Mm," Dazai shook his head half heartedly.
  Chuuya pulled the covers off of Dazai, causing him to frown deeply and make more annoyed noises.
  Chuuya shook his head, "imagine what everyone would think if they knew their boss was acting like-"
  Dazai grabbed hold of Chuuya's arm and squeezed him harshly.
  "Hey! I'm just telling the truth!" Chuuya pulled his arm away.
  Dazai blew air out of his nose haughtily as he curled up more.
  Chuuya took a deep breath to calm himself. Dazai was being difficult and yelling at him wasn't going to help...
  Chuuya—after a bit of self-convincing—decided to take a gentler approach. "I can't only do just one of your arms. Doesn't it feel weird?"
  Dazai gave Chuuya a skeptical look. Well, as skeptical as he could, which wasn't much.
  Chuuya sighed, muttering, "why do I even try?" He pushed Dazai over so he was laying on his back, much to Dazai's distain. He glared at Chuuya in annoyance.
  "Yeah, yeah, give me a dirty job or something later." Chuuya grumbled, "I'm doing this for you, ya know..." He grabbed Dazai's other arm and started rolling up his sleeve.
  Dazai's hand twitched and he spoke quietly. "... why?"
  Chuuya gave him a side glance and didn't say anything. He unwrapped Dazai's arm, avoiding looking at him.
  Dazai pressed his fingers against Chuuya's arm, trying to get his attention. "Why?..."
  Chuuya continued to ignore him. Instead, he stared down at Dazai's arm with a melancholy expression.
  "Chuuya..." Dazai grabbed onto his sleeve, tugging.
  "Geez, give me a minute!" Chuuya said through his teeth.
  Dazai waited for what felt like a lot longer than a minute.
  Chuuya sighed, "I dunno. I just feel like it." He ran his thumb along one of Dazai's scars absently.
  Dazai held onto Chuuya's sleeve tighter, "that's not true..."
  "I really hate that you can see through everything," Chuuya said, not sounding very hateful. He continued wrapping Dazai's arm, "but you aren't allowed to die."
  Dazai laughed tiredly, "you aren't my mom..."
  Chuuya seemed to be a little upset, actually. "No, but I'm your friend."
  Dazai let go. That was right... If he died, then Chuuya would be in charge of the Port Mafia... He knew that wasn't what Chuuya would want... but there wasn't anyone else Dazai trusted to take over for him...
  "And as your friend," Chuuya pulled the bandages tighter than they needed to be, "it's my job to make sure you don't smell like a mummy. Even though you already look like one." He smiled.
  Dazai averted his eyes, "gee, thanks..."
  "Any time," Chuuya set down Dazai's arm. "You aren't going to like this, but you're going to have to move again."
  Dazai groaned loudly at him, shaking his head.
  Chuuya chuckled, "you're still awake, aren't you? Don't you even feel a little bad for making me do all this work?"
  "You're the one who said you wanted to," Dazai mumbled.
  "You are so high maintenance," Chuuya took Dazai's shoulders.
  Dazai opened his eyes wide, taking Chuuya's wrists tightly. The only bandages that he had left that Chuuya could get to were on his head.
  Chuuya was a little alarmed, but he didn't let go, "what is it?"
  "I don't..." Dazai's voice trailed off as he looked away.
  Chuuya's brow furrowed, "Dazai, is there something I need to know?"
  Dazai shook his head, but wouldn't let go of Chuuya's wrists.
  Chuuya sighed, "you're so confusing." He pulled Dazai up to sit, ignoring how hard Dazai was squeezing him. His nails were digging into Chuuya's skin.
  Dazai pressed his forehead into Chuuya's shoulder, refusing to let this happen.
  Chuuya let go of him, "use your words, Dazai... Not everyone is a mind reader like you..."
  Dazai shook his head, mumbling, "I'm not a mind reader..."
  "Really? 'Cause it sure seems like it."
  Dazai grumbled and turned his head to the side, blowing on Chuuya's neck in annoyance.
  "When was the last time you bathed?" Chuuya asked as he put his hand on the back of Dazai's head.
  Dazai put his hands protectively over his head, "yesterday."
  "I'm glad you're at least sort of consistent with that," Chuuya said, starting to sound annoyed.
  Dazai didn't say anything back.
  Chuuya carefully put his hands over Dazai's, "I don't think I've ever seen your whole face before..."
  "It's nothing special," Dazai muttered.
  "Maybe not," Chuuya nodded, "but being the only person to see it would be special."
  Dazai frowned, "so you want to take my specialness away from me?"
  Chuuya chuckled, "no, you idiot. I'm saying-"
  "I know what you're saying..." Dazai whispered, closing his eyes.
  Chuuya whispered into Dazai's ear, "pretty please?"
  Dazai grumbled angrily, "you're so mean..."
  Chuuya chuckled, "I know, I know."
  Dazai slowly dropped his hands, putting all his weight onto Chuuya to make it harder for him.
  Chuuya didn't seem to care at all. He felt around for where the clasp was and took it off before unwrapping Dazai's head.
  Dazai was frowning, though not for long. Chuuya was surprisingly comfortable...
  Chuuya ran his fingers through Dazai's hair, undoing the knots. He sighed to himself. "You have to sit up so I can-"
  Dazai put his arms around Chuuya, absolutely refusing to be helpful.
  Chuuya hadn't expected that at all. He hesitated, and even then, he still didn't know what to say. "Hey..."
  Dazai shook his head, burying his face in the crook of Chuuya's neck.
  Chuuya slowly put his hands against Dazai's back, "come on, now... it can't be that bad... Getting a scar on your face is a pretty hard thing to do... aren't you going to make up a cool story for it, or something?"
  Dazai shook his head again, his arms falling back to his sides. He was too tired for this.
  Chuuya sighed quietly as he grabbed a fresh roll of bandages, "you might as well just get it over with."
  Dazai shook his head again.
  "You know I'm not a very patent person," Chuuya stated.
  Dazai groaned at him, angrily blowing air out of his nose.
  "I'll leave after, okay?" Chuuya figured bribery would be the easiest way to get things done.
  Dazai slowly grabbed onto Chuuya's sleeve, mumbling, "you don't have to leave..."
  Chuuya pursed his lips. Well, that didn't work. He hadn't expected Dazai to have the energy to be clingy. But Dazai was always full of surprises...
  "Then what do you want?" Chuuya asked, hoping to come to a compromise.
  "Mmm," Dazai started grumbling and groaning again. "I want you to take off your choker, it keeps tickling me..."
  Chuuya held in a chuckle, "seriously?"
  "Yeeeess-uh!" Dazai griped, "its anoyingggg-uh!"
  Chuuya laughed, "I expected you to make an absurd demand. I mean, you seem to really hate this." Chuuya shifted and undid his neck-belt before tossing it onto the chair.
  "Don't remind me," Dazai groaned.
  "Come on, up you go," Chuuya pushed at his chest.
  "I don't want to..." Dazai mumbled, "and you're warm..."
  "Okay, come on, flattery will get you nowhere. And, what kind of compliment is that?!"
  Dazai shrugged, breathing out deeply, "I don't know... how about... you're pretty?"
  Chuuya snorted, "really? Is that the best you can do? Pretty?"
  Dazai sighed, "you're pretty handsome... and you're pretty strong..."
  "Mhm, sure," Chuuya pushed at him again.
  Dazai paused, "I'm too tired to do any better..."
  "Then get up," Chuuya chuckled.
  Dazai shook his head, mumbling to himself.
  "Hm? What was that? You were getting up?"
  Dazai groaned, "fine..." He placed his hands against Chuuya's shoulders and pulled himself up to sit.
  Chuuya snickered, "you look like you crawled out of a ditch."
  Dazai's hair was covering most of his face and his one visible eye was irritated and unfocused. He smiled weakly, "you calling yourself a ditch, now?..."
  Chuuya rolled his eyes, "let's get this done so you can sleep." He reached out and held Dazai's hair out of his face.
  Of course, it really wasn't anything special. And Dazai didn't seem to be hiding a scar or any kind of injury.
  "Pft- you have a big forehead-"
  "Chuuuyaaaa," Dazai closed his eyes and groaned loudly, "you're so meaaaaannnn!"
  Chuuya laughed, "come on, you don't look horrible. What do you even wear the bandages for, anyways?"
  Dazai frowned, "so people like you can't be mean to me."
  "Come on," Chuuya rolled his eyes, "I was just joking around."
  Dazai sighed heavily, "I poked my eye really bad and it's still healing... I can hardly see out of it at all..."
  Chuuya nodded as he unrolled the bandages.
  Dazai rubbed his eyes, "now I'm more awake..."
  Chuuya snorted, "uh-huh, you can't blame this one on me. You were the one playing the long game."
  Dazai stuck his tongue out.
  Chuuya looked at Dazai with a perplexed expression, "how do you even put these on with all that hair?"
  Dazai sighed, "with great difficulty."
  And so, with great difficulty, Chuuya bandaged up Dazai's head.
  Dazai blinked very slowly, "now my brain's awake..."
  "Just lay down," Chuuya gestured.
  Dazai looked at his pillow, then back at Chuuya, "mmmmm..."
  "What? You were the one who-"
  Dazai leaned forward onto Chuuya's shoulder again, sighing softly.
  "Dazai," Chuuya rolled his eyes.
  "Chuuya," Dazai said tiredly.
  "Dazai, you were just complaining-"
  "Chuuya," Dazai grabbed onto the back of Chuuya's shirt, "you're really pretty..."
  Chuuya scoffed, almost laughing again, "really? Back to this?"
  Dazai nodded, "mhm... what if I said... 'Chuuya, you're the prettiest princess in the land'?..."
  "Nope. Not gonna cut it," Chuuya shook his head. "Time for bed."
  "Wait, wait, wait," Dazai held onto him tighter, "I can do better..."
  "You aren't going to convince me to sit here all night. This cannot be comfortable for you."
  Dazai readjusted so that he was sitting in Chuuya's lap, his legs wrapped around Chuuya's abdomen.
  "Hey," Chuuya sighed, "come on..." He pushed against Dazai gently.
  Dazai shook his head, pressing his eyes into Chuuya's neck. "You're so comfortable, Chuuya~" Dazai mumbled, trying to tease. But he was much too tired to do so successfully.
  Chuuya snorted, "alright, let go."
  Dazai shook his head again, "you still haven't heard my best one..."
  "Okay, what is it?" Chuuya pat his shoulder, "then you lay down."
  Dazai groaned, "now I want to bite you."
  "Dazai, I swear, if you-"
  "I won't," he frowned, "but sometimes you make me want to." Dazai sighed heavily, "Chuuya?..."
  "I haven't moved, as you can tell," Chuuya chuckled. "But, what?"
  Dazai paused, "Chuuya... Your eyes sparkle like you're in an anime sometimes..."
  "That was your best?!"
  "I'm really tired right now..." Dazai muttered, "and you don't make it easy..."
  "What? You saying I'm ugly?" He laughed.
  "No... You're better looking than I am..." Dazai took a deep breath, "I'm just worried that you're gonna hit me..."
  "For complimenting me? How does that make any sense?" Chuuya chuckled, "you must be losing your mind."
  Dazai slowly sat up.
  "Finally giving up?" Chuuya brushed Dazai's hair behind his ear.
  "No," Dazai took another long, deep breath. "Just don't hit me."
  "What the hell are you planning on saying, then? You better think twice," Chuuy rolled his eyes. "And I'm not going to hit you. You're talking out your @$$ anyways."
  Dazai sighed quietly, "come here..."
  "This is about as close as you can get," Chuuya almost laughed again. Was Dazai really that out of it?
  Dazai put his hands on Chuuya's shoulders, leaning closer so their heads were side by side. Dazai opened his mouth and whispered as quietly as he could.
  "I really do think you're beautiful..."
  He sat back, letting his hands fall off of his partner. "That's the best I can do right now... I'm tired again..."
  Dazai moved off of Chuuya and laid down, murmuring, "pretty lame, huh?..."
  Chuuya chose his next words carefully. "Not lame... just simple... If someone really liked you, I'm sure they'd have a heart attack." He chuckled as he stood up.
  "Not you, though," Dazai snorted, his eyes already closed, "you'd just yell at me and tell me to stop breathing so close to you..."
  Chuuya picked up all the used bandages and tossed them into the pile of dirty clothes in the corner.
  "Wouldn't you?..." Dazai asked quietly, slipping away.
  "No, I don't think I'd yell at you," Chuuya shook his head as he sat down and put his choker back on. "It's just a compliment..."
  "Right..." Dazai whispered.
  "Hey, Dazai?"
  "I don't think you're so bad looking, either."
  Dazai's lips curved upwards as he was swept away into dreamland.

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