Haha It's Not A Oneshot Anymore

450 17 29

[19 Oct 2022]

Chuuya slumped down in his chair. The chair wasn't uncomfortable, or anything. In fact, it was quite comfy. He just couldn't sleep.
  This often happened. There were many nights when Chuuya dreaded waking up to go to work, just like everyone else. Only this time he would be waking up *at* work, which kind of made it worse. He didn't know how Dazai was able to sleep on-site like this... But Chuuya also couldn't recall Dazai ever saying the words, "I'm going to bed."
  Chuuya sighed to himself as he gently placed his hat on the nightstand. He shrugged off his coat and laid it over the back of the chair. He loosened his tie and choker but didn't remove them, what would be the point when he was only going to put them back on again in a few hours?
  Chuuya went about shifting and readjusting how he was sitting for a good five minutes before standing up. He felt so antsy, and for what??? He wasn't particularly anxious about tomorrow's jobs. He would only be guarding Dazai for most of the day and then leaving for a bit in the evening to deal with some troublemakers.
  He heaved a heavy sigh as he stretched his arms up. He spoke out loud to himself, "what do you think, Dazai? You feeling lonely over there?" Chuuya snorted at his own joke.
  He perused around the room, examining all the little trinkets and decorations. None of them were all that interesting or special. Chuuya walked over to the window and opened the curtains just a smidge so he could peer outside.
  The moon was big and bright. It shone into the room, lighting it up. Chuuya took a deep breath in and looked out over the buildings around him. He could make out the ocean in some places, too.
  After playing a made-up game of trying to identify every building, and successfully winning, Chuuya closed the curtains. He took a moment to let his eyes adjust before returning to his chair.
  He couldn't see Dazai's face from where he was. The eccentric mafia boss had buried himself so that only the top of his head and some of his bandages were visible.
  Chuuya thought it a little silly that Dazai slept so submerged in the blankets. But Dazai also wasn't the healthiest person. Chuuya made a mental note to take Dazai out to eat more often. Maybe then the wind wouldn't go right through him anymore.
  Chuuya found himself moving again. He sat down beside Dazai's sleeping figure and placed his hand on his head. He ruffled Dazai's hair gently, then stopped.
  Dazai was notorious for being a light sleeper. Well, when you're the boss of the mafia, it's to be expected.
  Chuuya didn't want to wake him when he had been so exhausted earlier. He sat criss-cross applesauce, facing Dazai and started making tiny braids in Dazai's hair.
  This didn't get very far, considering how short Dazai's hair is, but Chuuya didn't have much else to do. He wanted to see how long it would be before Dazai woke up. He was taking special care not to tightly braid, or tug on Dazai's hair.
  Of course Dazai woke up eventually. He slowly pulled the covers down, peeking his head out. He gazed at Chuuya, blinking the sleep from his eyes.
  "It isn't morning yet, you can go back to sleep," Chuuya whispered.
  Dazai shook his head, "it was morning before I went to sleep... besides, I woke up a few minutes ago..."
  "Oh, sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," Chuuya reached out and brushed Dazai's now somewhat curly hair behind his ear.
  Dazai sighed tiredly, "it's not you... I just haven't taken my medications and now my body is yelling at me for it."
  Chuuya stood up, "what do you need?"
  "There's a pill organizer in one of the drawers... actually, there might not be anything in there..." Dazai placed his arm over his eyes as he rolled onto his back. "Just bring me whatever bottles are in there..."
Chuuya nodded and went into the bathroom attached to the room. He returned shortly with a few bottles in his hands along with a small glass of water.
  Dazai sighed quietly as he heard Chuuya's steps stop next to the bed. His right hand man set the glass down on the nightstand as he sat himself down next to the boss again.
  Chuuya looked over the labels of a few of them, "do you even know what all these are?"
  Dazai sluggishly pulled himself up to sit. He shrugged, "it doesn't matter, as long as it lets me fall asleep."
  Chuuya didn't care for that answer. He frowned a little bit as he read over the dosage recommendations.
  Dazai held his hand out for the bottle.
  "Shouldn't you eat something before you take all these pills?" Chuuya said, "you might just throw it all up later."
  "... I just want to sleep," he mumbled.
  Chuuya shook his head and handed over one of the bottles. "Just don't make a habit out of this."
  Dazai nodded absently as he opened the bottle and shook out a few pills. He counted out three, then counted them again, and again. Apparently he was too tired to even count.
  Chuuya chuckled as he pointed, "it's just three," and took the bottle back before capping it.
  Dazai threw the pills in his mouth before taking the glass of water and swallowing them. He held his hand out for another bottle.
  "What are you even taking anyways?" Chuuya asked as he passed him another.
  "What I just took were headache pills, these ones are for general pain," he counted out two and downed them.
  "These," Dazai yawned as he took the final bottle from Chuuya's hands, "are to help me sleep."
  Chuuya put all the bottles on the nightstand.
  Dazai followed his movements with his eyes, hardly taking in anything. "Oh," he murmured, "you took off your hat..." He looked at Chuuya.
  He nodded with a shrug, "yeah, it felt kinda weird to be wearing it right now."
  Dazai closed his eyes and leaned a bit forward.
  "Don't fall asleep sitting up," Chuuya chuckled as he took Dazai's arm.
  Dazai slowly opened his eye and gaze at Chuuya's hand. "You took off your hat, loosened your tie and your necklace, but you left your gloves on..."
  Chuuya was a bit surprised. Was Dazai only pretending to be so tired???
  Dazai sluggishly put his hand over Chuuya's, "I'm right here... you don't have to wear them..."
  "I know," Chuuya pat his arm, "I'm just used to it. You were going to go back to sleep, remember?"
  The boss nodded sleepily, "yeah..." he listed forward, and —just as Dazai had predicted— Chuuya reached out and caught him on his arm.
  "Come on, you can't even lay down properly?" Chuuya giggled softly.
  Dazai shook his head, pressing his eyes into his most trusted ally's shoulder, thus reclaiming his spot from earlier that night.
  Chuuya rolled his eyes and patted Dazai on the back, "lay back down so you can sleep again."
  Dazai let out a soft sigh, "but you're comfortable..."
  "How?" Chuuya shook his head.
  "I don't know... you're all..." Dazai hesitated, "don't hit me. You're... soft and squishy..."
  Chuuya flicked the back of Dazai's head.
  "I didn't hit you," Chuuya stated plainly.
  Dazai mumbled in an upset tone, "I was just speaking the truth... I'm all thin and bony..." He slowly closed his hands around Chuuya, turning his head to the side to look up at his companion.
  Chuuya rolled his eyes, "you wouldn't be if you took care of yourself."
  "My meds make me not hungry," he looked away with his eyes.
  "All I'm saying is that you could take some time every day to take better care of yourself." Chuuya explained, "even just 15-20 minutes would be enough."
  Dazai groaned, "that's so much time..."
  Chuuya heaved a heavy sigh, "Dazai, it's not that hard..."
  Dazai didn't say anything.
  Chuuya shook him gently, "go back to bed."
  Dazai whispered, "it's not that I don't have time... I just... don't have motivation..."
  Chuuya smiled, "then make me your motivation. I'll slap you every day that you don't take 20 minutes to yourself."
  Dazai closed his eyes, "that's not what I meant..."
  "I know," Chuuya squeezed his arm, "but I'm still going to do it."
  Dazai groaned again, "Chuuyaaaaaa..."
  He giggled, "go back to bed already."
  "I won't be sleepy for a while... the pills won't take effect for another thirty-or so minutes..."
  "But aren't you exhausted?" Chuuya asked.
  Dazai nodded, laying limply against him. "But you make me feel better."
  Chuuya blinked. "Hah?"
  Dazai didn't offer any sort of explanation.
  Chuuya shook his head, dismissing this as another one of Dazai's tired ramblings. "Come on, lay down."
  Dazai nodded again but didn't move. He closed his hands around the back of Chuuya's shirt. "Could you take you choker off again? It's in my spot."
  Chuuya was taken aback, "in your spot?!"
  "Mhm..." Dazai sighed.
  Chuuya frowned, "you aren't making any sense, go back to sleep."
  Dazai snuggled closer—somehow—and wrapped his legs around Chuuya as well.
  "Hey! Listen-"
  Dazai suddenly grabbed onto Chuuya's shoulder harshly, "no. You have to listen to me, and I say that until I'm sleepy again I'm staying right here."
  Chuuya was frozen in place. He certainly hadn't expected Dazai to have an outburst like that when he was so tired...
  Dazai let out a long sigh as he dropped his hand, "even with you......"
  "Hm?" Chuuya asked softly, hardly making a sound.
  Dazai let both his arms fall to his sides, "it's nothing you need to worry about..."
  "... that just makes me worry more," Chuuya muttered, "you're horrible at communicating."
  Dazai turned his face into Chuuya's neck, "I know... I'm sorry..."
  Chuuya heaved a sigh, placing his hand on the back of Dazai's head, "just try to get better, that way I can't be mad at you."
  Dazai didn't say anything as he sat up. Chuuya was about to move back so that Dazai could lay down, but he stopped when Dazai raised his arms. He tiredly undid Chuuya's choker and set it down.
  Chuuya blew air out of his nose, "I thought you were-"
  Dazai then undid the first two buttons on Chuuya's shirt and pushed his collar out of the way. He fell back into place, pressing his eyes into the crook of his subordinate's neck. "The pressure is nice..."
  Chuuya frowned slightly, "you have to get up in a few hours, it's almost three."
  Dazai nodded, "just a few more minutes..."
  Chuuya carefully pressed his hands against Dazai's back. "What happened today?..."
  Dazai shrugged, "paperwork."
  "No, I mean, did something happen... to make you so tired?" He added, thinking better of his question. He knew Dazai didn't like talking about himself.
  Dazai sighed quietly, "nothing I can't handle."
  "Handling doesn't make it okay..." Chuuya leaned his head against Dazai's.
  Dazai began to pout, angrily blowing air onto Chuuya's neck.
  "It's true," Chuuya shook his head.
  "I know," Dazai griped.
  "Then why don't you let anyone help you?"
  "I can't..."
  "Why? What's so horrible about asking for assistance? Why handle it when you can crush it?" He shook Dazai gently for emphasis.
  Dazai thought silently for a moment before speaking. "Nothing particularly awful happened... the Detective Agency is just being annoying again..."
  Chuuya frowned, "what'd they do this time?"
  "Dazai," Chuuya sighed.
  "Their existence is annoying," Dazai spoke softly, "how dare they..."
  "How dare they what?" He asked.
  "Never mind," Dazai pressed farther into Chuuya, "I don't remember where I was going with that..."
  Chuuya chuckled, "if you're that exhausted, you should-"
  "But I want to stay here," Dazai went back to clutching at Chuuya's clothes. "That way I can tell your girlfriend that you held me first."
  Chuuya laughed, "what??? Dazai, I don't *have* a girlfriend!"
  "I know," Dazai giggled tiredly. "It feels funny when you laugh..."
  Chuuya snorted, "you make no sense."
  "Mhm..." Dazai smiled, "but I don't have to make sense. That's one of the perks of being in charge."
  "Uh-huh," Chuuya rolled his eyes.
  "No one questions me," Dazai shrugged.
  "Well, I'm questioning you. Why'd you say that?"
  "Because I thought it would be funny. And it was." Dazai giggled hysterically, mumble-singing, "don't you wish your girlfriend was hot like me~"
  "PFT- Dazai-"
  "Don't you wish your girlfriend was a freak like me~" Dazai's shoulders shook with the effort to keep from bursting out laughing.
  "Dazai! Come on!" Chuuya chuckled, "go to sleep!"
  "No~~~" Dazai blew air on Chuuya, "you can't make me~~~"
  "I can sure as hell hit you, though."
  "I was only playingggg," Dazai whined, "you can't hit me for thatttt..."
  Chuuya sighed, calming down, "I know. Just settle down so you can sleep."
  "But I don't wanna settle down," Dazai huffed, "I wanna tease Chuuya some more~"
  "Yeah? What about?"
  "Maybe Chuuya doesn't have a girlfriend right now, but maybe you will in the future. And then I'll tell her all about how soft and squishy you are~" he pressed his hands against Chuuya's sides, sliding them down, "and how tiny your waist is~"
  Chuuya rolled his eyes, "you're delirious."
  "And I'll make sure to describe in great detail how *I* was the first one to cuddle with you~"
  "We aren't-" Chuuya paused. What they were doing *could* be classified as cuddling...
  Dazai giggled, "you can't say I'm wrong." Then he readjusted, laying the side of his head against Chuuya's shoulder again. "I'll make sure to tell her the best ways to make you flustered, too~"
  "Yeah, and that is?" He asked sarcastically.
  "It's simple, really," Dazai shrugged. "You're all rough and tough on the outside, but your soft on the inside... like sourdough bread..."
  "Did you just compare me to-?!"
  Dazai giggled, "I'm tired..."
  Chuuya sighed, letting it go.
  "Anyways..." Dazai's voice trailed off as he flattered the collar of Chuuya's shirt.
  "You were going to explain 'in great detail' how I'm just like sourdough bread," Chuuya wanted to fold his arms, but couldn't, so he settled for giving Dazai a skeptical look.
  Dazai smiled, "that's right... I was going to say that making you blush is super easy. All I have to do is point out your height and then you get all embarrassed~"
  "You-" Chuuya curbed his anger, "you make me very upset."
  Dazai giggled, "it's what I'm best at. Maybe I'll tell your future girlfriend that you suck and that she's wasting her time with a short little hatrack and that she should be my girlfriend instead. And then I'll kiss her right in front of you."
  "Sure you will," Chuuya pat him on the head.
  "But if she's so adamant about being your girlfriend, then I'll have to find another way to break you guys up," Dazai sighed dramatically.
  "Why do you want to ruin my relationship so badly?" Chuuya chuckled.
  "Maybe I'll just kiss *you* instead, that way she'll think you're cheating on her and dump you."
  "You didn't answer my question, ya ding-ding," Chuuya knocked on his head.
  "Because I can't have a girlfriend so neither can you," Dazai pouted.
  "Why can't you-"
  "Because then she'd be in constant danger because of my job, and I can't put a lady in danger like that," Dazai frowned.
  Chuuya nodded, "that's a surprisingly good reason, I didn't expect something to wholesome from someone like you." He smirked down at Dazai.
  The bandage-waster frowned more deeply, "who am I kidding? Someone as tiny as you could never get a girlfriend." He pinched Chuuya's arm.
  Chuuya only chuckled, "I don't even think I want a girlfriend, anyways."
  "Hm? You don't?"
  Chuuya shrugged, "I already have so much going on, I don't know that I would have time. And I don't want my partner to feel like I don't care, ya know?"
  Dazai nodded, "yeah..."
  "What about you? Why do you want a relationship so bad?" Chuuya chuckled.
  "Because I'm bored."
  "Bored?! That's a terrible reason!"
  "Kidding, kidding..." Dazai smiled tiredly. He pressed his hand against Chuuya's chest, "take a guess. Why do you think I want a relationship?"
  Chuuya rolled his eyes, "probably for some disgusting reason, knowing you."
  "Yeah, that's right, coz I'm such a nasty boy compared to our little angel Chuuya~" Dazai snickered.
  "Are you done, or should I hit you until you fall asleep?" Chuuya asked.
  Dazai smiled nervously, "I think I'm done..." then he pressed his hand against Chuuya's neck, "you really are a saint compared to me though..."
  "You aren't *that* awful," Chuuya shook his head. "Because if you were, I probably would have beaten you to death by now."
  Dazai smiled, "I guess that's a little reassuring... maybe one day we'll both have someone to call our own... and then I'll crash your wedding and eat the whole cake."
  Chuuya laughed, "come on, you can't even let me get married in peace??? And who says I'm getting married???"
  Dazai chuckled, "no way, you'll never be at peace as long as I'm alive. And if you never get married, then I'll just marry you so that you won't feel like a failure for never getting married."
  "PFT- as if marrying you would be any better-"
  "Hey," Dazai pinched him again, "I'm going to bite you if you keep being so mean to me..."
  Chuuya shook his head, "come on, I'm just joking."
  Dazai sighed as he closed his eyes, "I guess I'll have to tell your future wife to look out, you're super mean and very bite-able."
  Chuuya shook with laughter, "what does that even mean?!"
  Dazai put his face back into Chuuya's neck, moving his hand to the nape of his neck, "and I'll be sure to recount all the places I've touched you, just to make her jealous."
  "Dazai, don't say it like that!" Chuuya snapped. "You make it sound like more than it is."
  Dazai chuckled, "that's the point. Mmm... maybe one day I'll say that to someone in front of you, just to see you blush~"
  Chuuya sighed. He knew better than to take Dazai seriously right now.
  "What do you think, Chuuya?" Dazai teased, "I'll tell your partner how I put my hands around your waist~" He put his hands at Chuuya's waist, "and how I passionately stole your first kiss~"
  "Like anyone's going to believe that," Chuuya rolled his eyes.
  "Oh, it's very believable," Dazai nodded to himself, "I mean, we're so close already. And because I'm the most powerful man in Yokohama I can do anything I want and get away with it."
  Chuuya had to agree, "I guess..."
  "So your little partner would have to believe it. And then they would have to live with the constant thought that *I* could be stealing your kisses from them at any moment."
  Chuuya sighed, "why are we talking about this anyways?"
  "Because I'm bored," Dazai wrapped his arms around Chuuya.
  "Right." Chuuya nodded, "of course."
  "If you ever actually get a girlfriend I'll be certain to tell her how nice you are, too... but only so it'll hurt more when I steal you away from her."
  Chuuya chuckled, "gee, thanks."
  "Any time," Dazai smiled. "Seeing you *squirm* will be reward enough~"
  Chuuya only rolled his eyes at that.
  "Did you not hear me, I said-"
  "I heard you," Chuuya put his hand on Dazai's head, "and I chose to ignore it."
  "Aww, why???"
  "Because you're too tired to be funny," Chuuya stated.
  Dazai frowned, "you may be bite-able but you certainly aren't kiss-able."
  Chuuya giggled, "okay, that one was kinda funny."
  "Well, it's not entirely true," Dazai said thoughtfully, "I could kiss you if I wanted to..."
  "You could do anything if you wanted to, probably," Chuuya shrugged.
  "Mhm," Dazai sighed contentedly. "You're so comfortable, Chuuya. I'm already jealous of your future partner~"
  "Hah?! Jealous?!"
  Dazai chuckled tiredly, "yeah... because they'll get to be touching you like this all the time..." he held onto Chuuya tighter.
  "Come on, Dazai, *phrasing*," Chuuya pinched the bridge of his nose.
  "... I'm too tired for that," Dazai murmured. "It's just the two of us, it isn't like there's anyone around to take that the wrong way..."
  Chuuya sighed, "I guess you're right..."
  Dazai smiled, "would you like a kiss goodnight, Chuuya~"
  "Ew, absolutely not," Chuuya laughed, "that means you're going back to sleep, right?"
  "Not anymore," Dazai faked being upset, "I can't go to sleep without a goodnight kiss."
  Chuuya sighed as he stopped laughing, "I would have expected you to be meaner when you're tired."
  "I can be mean," Dazai pouted, tugging at Chuuya's shirt.
  "Hey, I didn't say I wanted you to be!" Chuuya grabbed his wrist.
  Dazai giggled, entwining their fingers, "I know." Then his smile turned upside down, "you're gloves are still on..."
  Chuuya chuckled, "there isn't much reason to take them off."
  "I'm not reason enough???" Dazai put on his best pouting face.
  Chuuya smiled, "no."
  Dazai grumbled, "you're so mean to me. I'm the boss so you should be more nice to me, that way I don't make you do all the worst jobs."
  "Mhm," Chuuya yawned.
  Dazai wormed his fingers into Chuuya's glove, clumsily taking it off.
  Chuuya shook his head with a sigh, "you want to hold my hand that badly? Geez, Dazai, I feel bad for your future girlfriend."
  Dazai stuck his tongue out, "be quiet or I'll lick you. And my future girlfriend won't wear gloves that keep me from holding her hands."
  "Uh-huh," Chuuya wasn't really listening. He was starting to feel quite tired. Probably from babysitting the most annoying person ever.
  Dazai finally managed to get Chuuya's glove off and promptly tossed it as far away as he could.
  "Hey- I need that-"
  "No, you don't," Dazai cuddled up to Chuuya again, putting his face in his neck as he laced their fingers and squeezed his hand. His other hand was against Chuuya's back, pressing against him gently.
  Chuuya's hand twitched, "is this really necessary?"
  "It's necessary because I say so," Dazai sang.
  "There's no way this is going to help you sleep," Chuuya stated.
  "Says you," Dazai sighed very deeply. "This is probably the most comfortable I've ever been in my whole life... The only way it'd be more comfortable would be if I were wearing nighttime clothes..."
  Chuuya chuckled, "then go change."
  Dazai sighed heavily, squeezing Chuuya's hand. "Nah... I'm too comfy to move... Chuuya, you're really warm..."
  Chuuya shook his head, "what does that have to do with anything?"
  "I dunno... I was just pointing it out..." he spoke through a yawn, "I wonder how much warmer you get when you're blushing..."
  "I've noticed that not just your face, but your ears get red when you're embarrassed... I've only seen it once, but you were so embarrassed that you looked like you were about to start steaming." He chuckled, "it's funny to think about."
  "When was that?" Chuuya asked curiously.
  "Hmm... I can't remember..."
  "Are you sure you didn't imagine it?" Chuuya smiled, looking down at his counterpart.
  Dazai smiled, pressing his face against Chuuya, "maybe, I don't know." He held Chuuya's hand tighter.
  "It's been a while, you sleepy yet?"
  Dazai shook his head, "no, I've just calmed down a bit..."
  Chuuya sighed with relief, "thank goodness."
  Dazai giggled evilly, "or have I?"
  Chuuya felt a chill go down his spine. He narrowed his eyes, "what are you planning?"
  "Fufufu~ you'll never knowwww~" Dazai was giggling, sounding very tired, "not until it's too laaaaate~"
  Chuuya ruffled Dazai's hair, "alright, I think that's enough mischief for one night."
  "It's never enough," Dazai blew air onto Chuuya's neck with his mouth.
  Chuuya rolled his eyes with a light chuckle, "yeah, whatever you say."
  "I say there's still a little mischief to be made." He said in an ominous whisper.
  Then, Dazai closed his hand tightly around Chuuya's and pressed his other hand harshly against his back. He then pressed his lips against Chuuya's neck, causing him to shiver.
  Chuuya twitched and almost instinctively hit Dazai. He probably would have if his dominant hand wasn't held captive. He closed his free hand around the back of Dazai's shirt and harshly tugged Dazai backwards, "what are you-?!"
  Dazai only laughed, a sound of pure joy.
  "Dazai..." Chuuya was at a loss for words. Why had he done that?! What had possessed him to even think of it?!
  Dazai laid on Chuuya's shoulder again, gently squeezing his hand, "I wasn't expecting you to react so calmly. I thought you would have punched me right away."
  "Don't do that," Chuuya grumbled angrily, "and I would have if-"
  "Do you know why I did that?" Dazai let go of Chuuya's hand, smiling tiredly.
  Chuuya frowned deeply, "you're so..."
  "Handsome? Amazing? Incredible? Tasty? Intelligent? Beautiful?"
  "No. I was going to say 'aggravating'." Chuuya looked away.
  Dazai chuckled, placing his hand over where his lips had touched Chuuya. "I left you with a memory. This way when you do get a partner you'll think of me whenever they kiss you here... That'd really ruin the mood, wouldn't it?" Dazai giggled.
  Chuuya scoffed in annoyance.
  "Come on, don't be angry at me," Dazai gently caressed Chuuya's neck, moving his hand down.
  Chuuya snatched Dazai's wrist before he could do anything more, "quit acting like a weirdo and go to sleep. Your pills must be making you lose whatever you had left of your mind."
  Dazai smiled wide, but his eye was extremely tired, "you think so? I think my mind is perfectly intact. Maybe it loosened a few screws, but I've still got all the pieces."
  Chuuya sighed, "just, don't do that again."
  "Aww, why not? I want to make Chuuya suffer by making him think of me when he's-"
  "Go to sleep!!!" Chuuya practically threw Dazai down.
  Dazai blinked up at the ceiling. "Oh."
  Chuuya grumbled, "it's your own fault," as he buttoned his shirt back up and fixed his tie.
  Dazai looked over at him with a smile, "Chuuya, you're so violent..."
  "What are you smiling about?" Chuuya narrowed his eyes.
  "Im just thinking of how upset you're gonna be the next time someone kisses you," Dazai teased.
  "You keep dreaming," Chuuya reached over and put his choker back on.
  Dazai chuckled, "I'm the first person to kiss Chuuya~~~"
  "No you aren't," Chuuya frowned, "that wasn't-"
  "I could tell," Dazai interrupted. "You hesitated before reacting, like you weren't sure what was happening. I would have thought that someone with such a pretty face would have been kissed by tons of people already."
  Chuuya sighed, running his hands through his hair, "stop talking and go to sleep."
  Dazai giggled, "is Chuuya angry that I'm the first person to kiss him~"
  "That wasn't on the lips, it doesn't count," Chuuya flicked his eyes in Dazai's direction.
  Dazai was beaming. Well, as much as he could, the lack of sleep was catching up to him. "If I weren't so tired, I'd sit up and kiss your face right now."
  "You're disgusting," Chuuya grimaced.
  Dazai chuckled, holding his hand out to Chuuya, "how lucky I am to have taken your first kiss."
  "I said that doesn't count!" Chuuya snapped.
  "You better hurry and find someone to give your real first kiss to, then, before I decide to take it," Dazai smirked.
  It was definately a real threat, though not a particularly scary one. Chuuya was more annoyed than anything. He should have known better than to let his guard down. Wait, why was he taking this so seriously?! It was nothing!!!
  Dazai rolled onto his side and pulled the covers up. He batted his eyelashes at Chuuya, pouting, "don't I get a goodnight kiss?"
  "No, only good boys get a goodnight kiss," Chuuya smiled innocently.
  Dazai frowned, "you're so mean..."
  Chuuya sighed, "you're exhausting to look after."
  "Then why do you do it?" Dazai asked quietly. He was too tired to filter himself anymore.
  "Because," Chuuya paused, "if you die, then I would be in charge of the whole organization. I cant handle that kind of pressure, and I'm not nearly smart enough." He sighed, "and it's not like anyone else knows you well enough to tolerate the extent of your ceaseless teasing."
  Dazai chuckled, "very true."
  "Yeah, I should get an award," Chuuya smiled, "this would be so much more worth it, then."
  "Hey, no one's asking you to be here," Dazai moved backwards, creating more space.
  Chuuya's smile grew, "I know."
  "You should sleep, too," Dazai closed his eyes heavily, "I know it's only a few hours, but it's better than nothing."
  Chuuya nodded, "maybe I will..." he stood up and sat down in the chair again.
  "Hey..." Dazai started but didn't finish.
  Chuuya shook his head, "knowing you, you'd probably draw on my face or something the moment you wake up."
  Dazai giggled tiredly, "probably."
  "That or you'd try to kiss me again," Chuuya rolled his eyes as he chuckled.
  Dazai smiled, "what makes you think you're safe in the chair?"
  "You're too lazy to get up," Chuuya argued.
  "Okay, that's fair," Dazai nodded. "You're safe from my teasing, then... for now..."
  Chuuya laughed lightly, "goodnight, Dazai."
  "Goodnight," he closed his eyes and nestled underneath the covers again.
  Chuuya slowly closed his eyes with a smile, "sweet dreams..."
   "Who are you going to give your first kiss to if you don't want it to be me so badly???"
  "Dazai!!!" Chuuya growled, "go to sleep before I make you!"
  Dazai giggled, "okay, okay, I'm sleeping..."

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