What is the meaning of this?

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Everything is a mess. Éomer was banished while protecting me and Éowyn from Wormtongue. Now Theoden king was back to himself. Grima was banished. I ran in the hall with speed. "Theodred's fever is broken"I informed shyly. Éowyn smiled bright and hugged me. "You are a miracle"I was surprised by it. "I am sorry for my previous actions they were too harsh. You have almost alone saved my cousins life. And I see you no longer stutter"she whispered kissing my forhead in respect. "My son"The king whispered. "Who tended him?"he asked. "Me my lord"I told bowing. "Come closer"I walked slowly to him. He came right in front of me. "Do not bow. I am forever to be in your debt"he spoke. "It was not so big my lord"I tried. "No you will be changed in to Éomers champer till he comes then you can share one with my niece"he insisted. I nodded. "Thank you"I whispered. "Sonja daughter of Adrian son of Arathorn"the man spoke standing up. "How do you know that?"I whispered. "Only I have"he mumbled. Then strode over to me hugging me. It felt surprisingly safe. "My little niece"he pulled away caressing my cheek. "Uncle Aragorn"tears welled up in my eyes. He nodded. I hugged him again tighter this time. Then the king raised his voice:"What is the meaning of this?"

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