In the caves

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I was currently with Eowyn leading women and children to the caves. "Eowyn!"I yelled. "Yes?"  " I am sorry if I have offended you"I yelled again. She nodded. I knew she'd talk about it later. I saw one boy wailing I took him in my arms. "Mommy. I have no mommy"he continued wailing.

We finally made it to the caves. I kept the boy in a fabric 'bag' on my hip as I tended everyone and gave the food. "Sonja sit down you'll tire yourself"Eowyn said and led me sit down. "And I am sorry the way I acted I do not know what came in to me"she apologied. "Do not worry I never hold hate to those who don't deserve it"I smiled. Then I started to feed the boy. He was barely four. He had golden hair and brown eyes. "Are you my new mommy?"he asked. I looked at Eowyn biting my lip. She just smiled. "Yes my name is Sonja"I whispered stroking his hair. "I am Tir"he told taking hold of my hand with his tiny little fingers. "Well my cousin is a father now"Eowyn smiled. "Of course Theodred what is he gonna say"I panicked. "Who is Theotlet"Tir asked. "Your new papa"Eowyn told smiling softly. I hope he's reaction is good too.

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