Chapter 21| He's a psychopath

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I struggled in his firm grip yelling and protesting and pleading. He was thrice as stronge than I was and I had no chance. He gripped me so hard that i felt so weak, I stopping struggling feeling weak and having less energy.

"I like you Ree" he turned my back to his front and held my hands tightly together in front of me. I began to sob because I was frightened of him, he was definitely drunk and his breath smelled bad. This is the biggest mistake of my life, going with a boy to his house.

"Be mine!" He groaned into my ears squeezing me tighter.

"No!. Please, please let me go" I pleaded.

"Just say you'll do it, please. Just like Heidi!. She was prefect until she died...on my bed" he started laughing really loudly.

Ehnnn! Omooo! What have I done to myself?. An idea popped into my head that I had to try.

"I will do it!" I said.

"Uhnn!. What?. You'll do it?" He suddenly stopped squeezing me.

His bad breath was choking my face and I coughed, this guy must be a psycho.

"Yes, I'll do whatever you want!. Will you let me go home if I do?" I became still and stopped struggling, then rest my back on him, making myself seem as vulnerable as I could.

"Ah Ree. I really like you. I've like you ever since Lila told me about you. I've liked you ever since I first say you at the hospital!..."

Seriously?. Did everyone in the world see me at the hospital?. He began to place small kisses on the back of my neck and closed my eyes.

"Will you let me go home?" I asked in between sobs.

He grip softened, "Of course, if you do everything I want you to do."

"What do you want me to do?."

At that point there was a knock on the door.

"Go away!" Ludwig yelled in anger, I shivered at the sudden rage in his tone.

"But I'm here for the plate" the thin feminine voice said.

"I said... GOOOO!." He shook with rage and tighten his grip further, this is bad.

"Did I hurt you?" He gasped when I whimpered.

"Can we seat?."

"Sure my love" he loosened the grip completely and lifted me off my feet then put me on his shoulder. He dropped me on his bed and went on his knee between my legs.

"I didn't know you would agree so soon!" He was grinning like a maniac, he kissed my knees happily.

This was my chance, the only chance. I kicked his already broken nose with my knee that even I felt the pain. Then I broke the bottle of alcohol that he had mistakenly sat me upon on his head.

As expected, he passed out, he was already drunk before. It worked!. I quickly pushed him aside and searched his pocket for his phone and the key to the room.

After unlocking the phone with his finger, I went down to the text he said he received and thankfully there were two text in German, I randomly picked one, texted back and told whoever it was where I was and dropped the phone.

As for stupid Ludwig, he was still cold out on the floor. I just hope he's not dead, but c'mon it's not a movie. What can I do?. I can't start running away, I don't know where my house is from here. So I tied him up with the robes from the curtains.

God only knows where I got the strength to bring down the curtains and tie him up with it, he was really heavy but I did my best to secure the ropes around him as hard as I could making sure he won't be able to escape unless he was the hulk.

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