Ratchet in love

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It was Spring time at school everyone did have day time they go class sport class mechanic class Science room drama Jak Ratchet and Sly walk to locker before the class starts

Sly: so we be boring in the class

Ratchet: I was thinking that too Sly

Jak: Guys it just some lesson

Ratchet: yeah so

Jak: so?

Ratchet: you have Keira and Sly you have Carmelita that means I had to be alone?

Sly: no sure you'll find one

The bell rang anyone go class enter the room see Alister when he adopt Ratchet was baby because he knows Kaden it Ratchet real father did not call Alister and he be teacher

Alister: everyone Well we get  starting I'd like you to me Talwyn Apogee 

at girl was in room she has Brown hair pointy ears and tails Ratchet couldn't help but blush a lot. He just... felt attracted he shook his head

Ratchet: (thinking)  why am I doing I didn't know her yet 

Alister: Talwyn tell us about yourself

Talwyn: well I like help other and try make friends 

Alister: well that okay Why don't you sit next to Ratchet over there?

Talwyn squeezed by and sat next to Ratchet. when he saw the beauty next to him.

Talwyn: Hi.

Ratchet (Blushing) : Umm...hello. Name Ratchet 

Talwyn: Talwyn it nice merry you

Ratchet: nice meets you too Talwyn 

When the class is over he got to see his friends to tell about Talwyn 

Ratchet: Jak Sly got to tell you

Jak: sure Ratchet 

Ratchet: There was this girl who sat next to me. She was so beautiful.

Sly: who new girl?

Ratchet: yes her name Talwyn she in my class 

Jak: you got lucky 

Ratchet: well I get know her

Several days went by. Ratchet still talked about Talwyn nonstop Sly think and has ideas he ask Bentley and Murray to help

Murray: we going to sneak the flowers and chocolates into Talwyn's locker?

Sly: yes soon she gift think it from Ratchet 

Bentley: if we get caught

Sly: don't worry we're not

Carmelita: (arrived) what's you guys doing ?

Sly: we just to put on Talwyn's locker with Flowers and chocolate and just to see it was Ratchet 

Carmelita: you sure?

Sly: yes if you help we can go out get ice cream 

Carmelita: okay 

She open open Talwyn's locker with Sly's cane Murray Bentley and Sly up on Talwyn's Locker 

Murray: sure it will works she's coming

The 4 hid behind another row of lockers. Talwyn opened her locker and founnd the flowers and a card inside.

Talwyn: how get in my locker? A note to Talwyn you beautiful and in love Let's go out after school for ice cream. Signed Ratchet 

Ratchet walk with music 

Talwyn: Thanks for the flowers and chocolates.

Ratchet: Thanks for the what?

Talwyn: You don't have to pretend anymore. 

Ratchet: (noticed the card) I didn't write this wait a minute SLY

Sly: how you know?

Ratchet: know what you did just tell me what's going on

Murray: well since you not asking Talwyn out, so they decided to put flowers and chocolate in her locker & say they were from you

Ratchet: can't believe you did this now thanks a lot now leave me alone 

Ratchet ran away to hide he did not want to come out

Bentley: come on You like her, and she likes you. ASK HER OUT ALREADY!

Ratchet: just go 

Carmelita: we just try help you

Ratchet: well you're not you're almost make me everyone laughing at me

Talwyn: I think I can handle it from here Ratchet came to talk with you. Is what they said true? Do you really like me?

Ratchet: Umm...yes (come out)

Talwyn: it okay when you shy to ask

Ratchet: yeah but this time I will get to know you when you're like to go out with me

Talwyn: sure 

After school Ratchet and Talwyn go out to know each together Alister watch Ratchet with Talwyn he was very proud of him to have girlfriend 

Alister: that's my boy 

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