Next girl at school

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A girl walk to school she little shy to make friends she's at the classroom 

Alister: class I hope you make her feel welcome her name Teagan Middling 

Teagan walk in she ask about herself Ratchet couldn't believe his eyes it was his childhood best friend Teagan tell about herself so next to Daxter 

When class over Head outside Teagan bit shy Ratchet walk to her

Ratchet: Teagan it good see you 

Teagan: you Ratchet 

They hug together they was best friends was little kids play together 

Teagan: it like old time Ratch 

Ratchet: yeah but it's nice to see old friends again I like to meet my friends

Ratchet introduced to his childhood best friend Jak Sly get along together with her Teagan know Ratchet and Talwyn together she was very proud

Sly: So Teagan when do something

Teagan: sure Sly 

Sly Took her drama class she did good acting his staff feel enjoying this classroom with her classmates time past 

Teagan: do you know what guys I'm gonna hang out with my best friend as well 

Jak: I think with Keira Carmelita and Talwyn 

Teagan: yes 

She go with her friends to hang out together Ratchet know his old feelings enjoy her Life st school 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2023 ⏰

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