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Jak and Sly go Ratchet's house to have sleepover why Ratchet ask Alister to have sleepover he says yes Jak Sly arrived 

Ratchet: hi Guys you ready to have fun!

Sly and Jak: yes 

Alister: now be good you 3

Ratchet Jak and Sly: we will Alister 

Alister walk away to let boy enjoy 

Jak: so what do we do?

Ratchet: we can do wherever we want

Ratchet Sly Jak play board games watch movie The doorbell rang 

Alister: boy pizza here 

He take pizza give boys and Alister to clean dishes before went to bed

Sly: that was a good time sleepover your house 

Ratchet: yeah just like everyone's have

Jak: why not just one more game like  truth or dare 

Sly: so Jak truth or dare?

Jak: hmmm dare

Sly: dare you to take Alister Wrench 

Ratchet: ohhh

Jak did as his dare took Alister wrench 

Jak: got it now your turn Sly truth or dare 

Sly: truth

Jak: since when you had a crush on Carmelita 

Sly: she beautiful Fox her blue hair and dream to be police 

Ratchet m you always to win her heart Sly

Sly: yes now Ratchet truth or dare

Ratchet: truth 

Sly: hmmm did you have crush on Talwyn?

Ratchet: (blush) what no we're just friends

Jak: don't lie we know you're in love since you took her out

Ratchet: yeah I know but I do you like her just like you guys with your girlfriend 

they been playing for hours Alister arrive 

Alister: Ratchet Jak Sly time of bed

They go Ratchet's bedroom put into pyjamas get in bed

Ratchet: that was a long night

Jak: yeah we can hang out tomorrow and found something which you never been

Sly: okay so you're gonna show us what's gonna look like

Jak: you see 3

Ratchet Jak and Sly sleep together

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