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Hello dear participants!

Please lend time to read this.

Read carefully all the rules and mechanics. I saw some that are not following it and it could be the reason for you to disqualified.

1. Follow the PAYMENTS.
∆∆Follow the admin, which is me.
UN: Zilalah

∆∆Follow the judges that will judge your work.

Example: If your story's genre is Romance, then follow the Romance judge at the same time the judge of your BC.

EQUIVALENT OF 3 ACCOUNTS ang ipafollow niyo.

- admin
- judge (genre)
- BC judge

∆∆Add the story and vote the 5 chapters and leave 1 comment in whatever chapter you wanted to leave feedback. And make sure it's not offensive.

2. You can ENTRY 2 of your story BUT different GENRE.

That's all and I hope you all follow and cooperate with us. Thank you and BREAK A LEG EVERYONE!!!!

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