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I never expected to lead a clone army. This was a rather unique experience for me. Every time I was assigned a mission, it was often an offensive campaign. One of my many talents was discretion, which made me useful in reconnaissance objectives, though I often longed to actually lead the charge. Little did I know, in 2ABY, I'd finally get the opportunity I'd been waiting for.
As I strolled around the Corellian-class frigate, Unanimous with my childhood friend, First Commander Braisa I thought about what it would be like to lead an army against the Imperials.
"I understand you're pretty frustrated, " Said Braisa, "but seeing as how you're one of our best infiltrators and recon troopers, the Alliance Leadership just doesn't want to lose you as a casualty in a full-on engagement."
"I know you're all trying to keep me safe by having me stay within my strong point, but I've always wanted to openly challenge the Empire in battle." I said.
"Well, as an old friend who doesn't want you to die, I am sincerely hoping that day never comes."
I softly chuckled and said with appreciation, "Thanks, Braisa."
As we landed on Saleucami, I pondered what would happen next, hoping with eagerness for a combat mission, I overheard the ship's captain say something like, "-this new ally?"
A voice I instantly recognised as Princess Leia said, "He's made it fairly clear that, despite his previous allegiances, he seems like the kind of person willing to travel a zillion miles across the galaxy to defeat the Empire if he had to."
I was suddenly intrigued as to who our new ally was.
When the Unanimous landed, me and Braisa marched side-by-side and were then summoned to the Command Center to meet our new ally.
Whence we got there, I saw a man with enough facial hair that he looked like a Wookie with 98.20% of its fur shaved off. The man was wearing a black cloak, a brown cotton shirt, grey leather gloves, dark blue pants, and black shoes talking with Princess Leia and other of the base's officers.
When we walked in, I heard an officer say, "-kill the hostage should he refuse."
The man then said, "The clones get to decide what to do in those kind of circumstances. By that, I mean that they can either capture the traitor..."
I then whispered to Braisa, "I think I know what he's gonna say."
As if to confirm my thoughts, the man said, "... or kill him"
It was then I decided to speak. I stepped forward and inquired, "We do need all the help we can get, so why pass up this opportunity?"
Braisa then said "What if the surrendering imperial carries, or at least did carry before he was killed could've been of use to us? That then and there may have been a flawed move."
The man turned to us and said, "Before I answer that, may I know to whom I speak?"
"I am Master Commander Villeria Faes and next to me is First Commander Braisa Nilun."
Braisa then stepped forward and said, "First Commander Braisa Nilun."
The man smiled and said, "Nadeen Nolek."
We stuck our hands out and Nadeen shook them.
Seven months later, I was given command of the 149th Clone Legion to the 296th Clone Legion.
As I, along with my new second-in-command, Clone Commander Dildir, my communicator activated, revealing Senator Mothma.
"Yes, senator?"
"We need you to take a legion of clones to liberate the Twi'lek population. Remember, this is a liberation mission, so complete the mission with as little structural damage as possible. You leave in two days."
"As you wish."
Two days later, as I boarded my new flagship, the Soul, I gave a look of confidence to my men. Yet, seeing has how this was the first time I've led troops in a full-on assault, my mind was plagued with self-doubt, for there was always a good chance that I'd lead all these men to their deaths.
As the Soul emerged from hyperspace, I relayed the plan to my troops.
"All right, men. Listen up. Our orders are to liberate this planet, not destroy it. Therefore, we'll have to use light weaponry only. Understood?"
They all stood at attention and said, "Ma'am, yes ma'am!"
When we landed, we were immediately greeted by turretfire and missiles. As I took cover behind a tree, I activated my wristcom.
"Captain Lann, get the guerilla units ready!"
"Yes, Commander!"
I then turned to Dildir, "Dildir, after we break through their defenses, I'll harass the enemy's outer turret defenses, walkers, and artillery with guerilla attacks. This will allow you to charge their main entrance with as little casualties as you can manage."
Dildir nodded in confirmation.
Once we discovered an entry point in the eastern wall, I huddled my men together.
"All right, men. We'll divide into teams of twenty. Everyone will fire once, then fade away, and keep up the pattern. This way they won't be able to zero in on your position. All right, come on, men. Let's move."
As I led my division to the far left of the eastern wall, I scoped for any further defenses. A minute later, I looked to the right and found a sentry tower. I then motioned to my squad to hold their position, then I grabbed my sniper rifle and tripod and placed it on a small boulder to get into an angular position, then fired, and hit the stormtrooper right between the eyes.
I then turned to my men and quietly said, "Let's go!"
As we quietly scaled the wall with ascension cables, I had my men stop and went ahead to check the wall, and it seemed to be cleared of enemies, so my men and I continued over the walls.
When we looked down, we saw a squad of twelve stormtroopers and two darktrooper droids, which we made quick and quiet work of. As we walked through the streets, we kept our eyes and ears open for any suspicious sounds and/or characters.
Eventually, we spotted 40, prompting me to draw my pistols and cued two of my men to ready electro-grenades while the others prepped their rifles and I then gestured to the first two troops to throw their grenades, thus downing twelve enemies while causing confusion amongst the rest, which allowed myself and the rest of the squad to fire on them before they had a chance to come to their senses and sound the alarm.
After twenty-two minutes, my communicator activated.
"What is it, Commander?" I asked.
"We're taking heavy fire!"
"Keep up your advance. Hopefully, the other guerilla squads will cause enough trouble that they'll be forced to pull some troops from your position to try to find us."
Twelve hours later, after 16 more guerilla attacks, we finally made our way to the command entrance. I thought of attacking them then, but considered that there was a big probability that there could be more troops inside, so I decided to signal the other units to meet at the command center before we engaged them.
Once the other 392 guerilla units (three of my division were dead plus another 105) regrouped, we charged the command center and I personally fired a shot from each of my pistols at the Imperial officer, both of which fatally hit his chest.
As the remaining Imperial forces were rounded up and paroled, I decided to contacted the Alliance Leadership to await further orders.